National Patients' Rights Association


Well-Known Member
The piles of progressive legislation/laws/regulations/taxes (REGARDLESS OF DEMOCRATIC/REPUBLICAN PARTY POLITICS) accumulating in every facet of our lives is problematic as it endangers the very fabric that this republic is built upon, as well as our children's future. As we watch this generation squander the wealth and promise handed to them and pass on debit and decline to their children, I ADMITTEDLY argue in favor of strict adherence to ethics. The ends do not justify the means, look to the history of the last left success story (Communism) and its modern reiteration (Socialism) of liberal progressive politics. Just look at all those wealthy elitist champions of the poor in the Democratic party. Where has the past century of mindlessly following these politics of these individuals gotten the poor and under privileged in this country:


What exactly is your argument now?

You copy and paste "rules", and bust out your memes, but I honestly don't think you stand for much of anything. It's clear that you have hatred towards certain classes of people ie"the takers" (even though I suspect you're sucking off of the gov't teat yourself), and romanticize the notion of unfettered capitalism. What you fail to acknowledge is that there is a consolidation of power and wealth in this country that has been going on for some time now. The fact that corporations and their wealthy executives make more and more while the rest of us have less and less is troubling. CEO compensation has risen 730% since 1979, while worker compensation has risen 5.7% in that same period. These same corporations and CEO's are now fully in bed with the people we elect in to office, giving them yet another tool to suck every nickle out of the economy that they can.

Given this, I find it odd that you so despise "socialism" and the liberal agenda that pushes for it. If not for some government oversight, how else do your propose that the system will work for everyone, and not just a handful of fortunate people?

I don't associate with one party or the other, but I often marvel at how the right/conservative wing of this country has managed to convince folks that don't have a pot to piss in that tax cuts for the wealthy, and completely deregulated commerce is good for them. They keep people riled up over social issues like guns, gay marriage, abortion, etc and all the while they are stacking the deck against you on things that really matter.

Either way, I'm just licking windows while you've got it all figured out on a pot forum.


Well-Known Member
Listen fucktard, the C&P you refer to was my exact earlier post that began your posts within this thread. You my friend are a complete and utter fool ...

Let me suggest reading before you write :!: That is unless you are here licking windows ...


Well-Known Member
Listen fucktard, the C&P you refer to was my exact earlier post that began your posts within this thread. You my friend are a complete and utter fool ...

Let me suggest reading before you write :!: That is unless you are here licking windows ...


Well-Known Member
Sad to say, but many of our brethren are Fucktards brah :bigjoint: In real life even your friends or flesh and blood, on occasion, can indeed be Fucktards my friend ;)



Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm not sure how this thread got this way. Is it just me or does stowngrow sound like an idiot unless there's something that I don't know about theman13. By now you should both agree that the political agenda is fucking us all in the ass with minimal to no lube whatsoever. Just enough to keep us from crying uncle!! And if I'm correct it sounds like theman13 already knows and agrees with that last statement. If you don't agree with this stowngrow then I'm not sure were you are standing.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm not sure how this thread got this way. Is it just me or does stowngrow sound like an idiot unless there's something that I don't know about theman13. By now you should both agree that the political agenda is fucking us all in the ass with minimal to no lube whatsoever. Just enough to keep us from crying uncle!! And if I'm correct it sounds like theman13 already knows and agrees with that last statement. If you don't agree with this stowngrow then I'm not sure were you are standing.
I'm not sure why I'm explaining myself to some kid on a pot forum, but I'll humor you. Does the following comment of mine (in this thread if you took the time to read it) clear up any of this ....."By now you should both agree that the political agenda is fucking us all in the ass with minimal to no lube whatsoever. Just enough to keep us from crying uncle!! And if I'm correct it sounds like theman13 already knows and agrees with that last statement. If you don't agree with this stowngrow then I'm not sure were you are standing."

My quote- "I question your support of a political party that by and large would like to take our cannabis and shove it right up our collective arse."

Now, point out what I said in this thread that has lead you to the conclusion that I'm "an idiot".

Be specific please.


Well-Known Member
You come to quick conclusions kido!! But to answer your question...I'd have to say the fact that you think theman13 is against you or on some other agenda. He states perfectly clear that he is anti government. The points you highlighted in bold were not what I was getting at. Its the fact that you keep finding something wrong with theman when I see him being on the same side of the fence!!! Does this make sense idiot?? And stop being on the offensive...maybe step back and realize its you!


Well-Known Member

... Funny but I can think of only two national political figures whom have truly championed marijuana legalization in this country, Ron Paul & Gary Johnson, both "Republicans".


Well-Known Member
i question-

your choice to support a party that would take everything else!

demacrat party is dead. all the self loving "democrats" have no idea their party progressed, to commune-ism. then, through use of the "rules", they have made the repub's to progress. when repubs lose, they want to be more like the opposition through the psy affects produced by the "rules".
this is very hard for the ignorant to realize, for if they go to qoting the party line, it sounds very rational.

read the constitution. much being done is blatant treason.


Well-Known Member

... NOTHING in human history has freed and better more lives than Capitalism. The problem is the collusion today within the Democratic and Republican parties. Who the fuck is colluding with us the people?!?

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I still think the bill was drafted with some good intentions the same as the act was. evil people will do evil shit and find loopholes everywhere. all you can do is fight, I seriously do not think the HB was drafted with any giant corps in mind, or any huge take over planned. Merk isn't hiding there behind it about to pounce. They will however pour over all the bills that get passed and do what they can to tilt it their way and abuse the system. its life and they suck the marrow out of it as a rule, no language would stop that.


Well-Known Member
You come to quick conclusions kido!! But to answer your question...I'd have to say the fact that you think theman13 is against you or on some other agenda. He states perfectly clear that he is anti government. The points you highlighted in bold were not what I was getting at. Its the fact that you keep finding something wrong with theman when I see him being on the same side of the fence!!! Does this make sense idiot?? And stop being on the offensive...maybe step back and realize its you!
I know you guys hang offline, so that's very sweet of you to come to your buddies defense, but you have no clue what you're talking about. My issue with "TheMan" isn't about weed, it's political in nature, and more specifically has to do with the fact that he looks down his nose at people that are on government assistance when he himself is sucking on the government titty. I don't care for bullies, and I don't care for hypocrites.

"Does this make sense idiot??"

What doesn't make sense is some backwoods kid calling someone else an idiot. I'm sure the irony is lost on you.


Well-Known Member
I think we can all agree that both parties suck, all these corrupt turds should be hung for treason.


Well-Known Member

... Funny but I can think of only two national political figures whom have truly championed marijuana legalization in this country, Ron Paul & Gary Johnson, both "Republicans".

You mean Gary Johnson who ran as an independent and wasn't even invited to the RNC convention, and Ron Paul who is shunned by 3/4 of the Republican base?

Take a look at the states that have legalized weed in some fashion, and let me know how many of those states were on the Republican side of the fence this last election.