Nb's 600w HPS, Multi-Strain, Organic Grow -- Round 2


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone? This is my journal for my 2nd round of growing indoors. I've learned a lot since my last batch and can hopefully take that learning experience and turn this next run into something a little more impressive. Before I go any farther though, I have to thank everyone who followed and contributed to my last grow all the way through(you guys know who you are ;-) ). If it wasn't for the stand up guys here on riu.org, who knows what kind of crazy shit Id be trying to do, so THANK YOU guys! :-)

so let's get right to it, I'm running:

-a 600w AgroSun bulb inside an air cooled XtraSun hood on a digital Global GreenHouse ballast
-fresh air intake and a small exhaust fan venting out some heat and air from the hood
-containers are 1.5 gal filled with a combination of FF Ocean Forest, FF Light Warrior and a local organic nursey's potting mix
-ferts will be Schultz's 20-20-20 plant food for the end of veg, and BioBizz BioBloom 1.1-2.5-2
-Great White Premium Micorrhizae fungi has already been fed to really get the root party started ;-) (google Great White if you havent heard of it yet, really some amazing shit)
-and for the fuckhead mites that love my plants so much, I picked up some Mite-Rid azadirachtin concentrate that is supposedly more concentrated than anything else on the market right now, so we'll see...

-7 Flat Topp Purps (Top 44 x Purp Flat) look at the pics and check the burly stalks of these
-6 Master Kush (Hindu Kush x Skunk #1)
-3 Grapefruit Diesel (NYC Diesel x Unknown Sativa/Indica Hybrid) might eventually add more

Veg Space:
All vegging under my 4 bulb 4ft T5 fluoros in my closet.

Flower Space:
Flowering in a 4x4 area that I framed then lined off with panda film.

Grow Method:
Still not sure exactly what method Im going with so some input would be greatly appreciated. It'll definitely be SOGged in the space Im working with, but I really want to maximize my space to get the best yield possible, so I was thinking about SCROGging each plant individually so then it would essentially be a SOGged SCROG. if I wasnt going to go with that, I was planning on growing them without topping or FIMming and just supercropping like bterz last grow. whatta ya guys think?

All input and comments are welcomed.

Welcome to Nb's Round 2! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
scribed, first in line! here we go again my brother from another mother. great looking nugs!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Quality quality man, those buds look great, now it's time for
quantity! I'm in the same boat. That grapefruit diesel you have
is probably just Somas NYC diesel, I'm growin one of the same thing. You can peep
my pics and see if it's the same pheno. I got it in Amsterdam,
it was very good. Your clones look great, il be stoked to see this
one go the distance..


Well-Known Member
Looks good bro, I don't think Schultz's 20-20-20 is Organic though. Good Luck, nice nugs.....fucking yum!


Well-Known Member
Quality quality man, those buds look great, now it's time for
quantity! I'm in the same boat. That grapefruit diesel you have
is probably just Somas NYC diesel, I'm growin one of the same thing. You can peep
my pics and see if it's the same pheno. I got it in Amsterdam,
it was very good. Your clones look great, il be stoked to see this
one go the distance..
I got the seeds from a friend who picked them up from bcbud depot Im pretty sure, but I could be wrong. either way, I know it's a super frosty strain that I'm gonna keep in the lineup for awhile ;-) same with the flat topp. its my favorite purp strain these days bongsmilie

definitely going for quality and quantity this round tho. I think Im shooting for about .5 to .7 gpw ratio.


Well-Known Member
Looks good bro, I don't think Schultz's 20-20-20 is Organic though. Good Luck, nice nugs.....fucking yum!
the Schultz's plant food im using is a combination of chelated minerals and humic acid which may not be technically "organic" because its not carbon matter that can be broken down and decomposed like technically organic material but chelated minerals are dervived from rocks or shells or other natural non-organic materials still found in nature. I thought the same thing for awhile until Uncle Ben confirmed that this notion that chelated minerals kill off the microbeasties in your soil is total bogus.

hope that all makes sense, kinda high bongsmilie

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Looks good so far man! Yeah you're right, our setups are strikingly similar in many ways. Great minds think alike right? lol

Well, I've grown many cycles in the same style setup as you, and I would actually recommend just leaving them untopped, don't supercrop, just let them grow straight up until they're at least 14" tall and then flip em into flower. Trim off all growth from the dirt to halfway up the plant leaving only the top half of the plant to bloom and bud. This also makes trimming a LOT easier. Do this like at the start of week 2 of flower, after most of the stretch is done. You've got a decent amount of plants there, so if you do it this way you'll be able to trim it all up faster and easier, and you'll have a lot more big cola buds rather than a bunch of popcorn.


Well-Known Member
yea man, after that last batch that I fimmed, Im definitely not trying that again. the branches tht grew as a result of the fim were too scrawny to really pack on the weight and it takes a couple days to bounce back from the fim when they couldve been growing stronger main branches that were already there. but thats kinda what I like about the idea of supercropping cuz the branches are already there and the pinch allows those lower branches to catch up to the tops in size and strength.

what about the scrogged sog idea? or would that be too much work for an end result that wouldnt be worth it?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
yea man, after that last batch that I fimmed, Im definitely not trying that again. the branches tht grew as a result of the fim were too scrawny to really pack on the weight and it takes a couple days to bounce back from the fim when they couldve been growing stronger main branches that were already there. but thats kinda what I like about the idea of supercropping cuz the branches are already there and the pinch allows those lower branches to catch up to the tops in size and strength.

what about the scrogged sog idea? or would that be too much work for an end result that wouldnt be worth it?
Yeah I def think that'd it be a lot more work than it's worth. Scrogs are for people who want to grow just a few plants in veg for a long time and them when they bud em they get a ton off of each plant, but it takes a lot longer and you've got a giant bush to trim up when you're done. That's why I love the idea of extreme lollipoping where you basically end up with just budsticks of phatty colas, which are easy as hell to trim and ave way better bag appeal. I used to FIM and top, I've also super-cropped, but in the end I think just letting them grow straight up is best, unless you
happen to have some strain that is known to yield better with topping or maybe a straight sativa or something.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I thought the same thing for awhile until Uncle Ben confirmed that this notion that chelated minerals kill off the microbeasties in your soil is total bogus.
There are different qualities of chelates, most chelates are EDTA's which are very
salty, these types of chelates are known to choke out our microbiologicals, watch
your salt levels with EDTA's. Humboldt Nutrients invented a newer way to chelate
their nutrients, using Amino Acids such as Citric Acid, which allows your salt index
to stay low while still allowing a wide range of pH uptake ability. Chelated minerals
themselves don't kill the microbeasties, it is if you start experiencing a salt build up.

Hope that helps.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
There are different qualities of chelates, most chelates are EDTA's which are very
salty, these types of chelates are known to choke out our microbiologicals, watch
your salt levels with EDTA's. Humboldt Nutrients invented a newer way to chelate
their nutrients, using Amino Acids such as Citric Acid, which allows your salt index
to stay low while still allowing a wide range of pH uptake ability. Chelated minerals
themselves don't kill the microbeasties, it is if you start experiencing a salt build up.

Hope that helps.
That's exactly what I was thinking Shrubs. Great explanation. ;-)


Well-Known Member
There are different qualities of chelates, most chelates are EDTA's which are very
salty, these types of chelates are known to choke out our microbiologicals, watch
your salt levels with EDTA's. Humboldt Nutrients invented a newer way to chelate
their nutrients, using Amino Acids such as Citric Acid, which allows your salt index
to stay low while still allowing a wide range of pH uptake ability. Chelated minerals
themselves don't kill the microbeasties, it is if you start experiencing a salt build up.

Hope that helps.
yea that makes a lot of sense. so is there a way to determine if the Schultz's would end up being too salty? or I just gotta watch the ppm's and look for a salt buildup?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
glad you made it over :eyesmoke:

how's your room looking tho NeL? you back from down under or still on vacation? lucky bastard ;-)

Yeah Im back. :cry:

Room looks awful. My "caretaker couldn't remember the fert ratio so they got water for a month. I dosed the shit out of them going to repot today and hit them with a real heavy dose again tommorow. I'll post some pics when the airline finds my 2 lost suitcases. Always put electronics in your carry on.

Been real busy working latley, getting ready for outdoor 2010. I have a some real surprises for this season.