Necessary equipment for a small grow, 4-8 plants


Active Member
What equipment will i require in order to grow about 4-8 plants? I am not looking to do a huge grow, however I am looking to grow for the first time, thus the question. I already have the room and location planned, but i am looking for a general list of what I will need. The room is a 4x4x7' room. It currently has 1 light in it, but I can and will do electrical if necessary. For my first grow, i just plan on using seeds from a bag as i dont want to order good stuff until i get atleast one or two grows through my system. I do know all of the guides, but i have not seen anything that says everything I will need.

I am assuming for a 4-8plant grow that i will need about 1000W total of lighting, not sure which kind I should use for my first. I also believe that I will need a PH tester, and what else?

I am sorry for the very noob question, but i cant seem to find a specific thread on just the necessary equipment for a small grow.


yuri orlov

Well-Known Member
pots,nutes,soil,water,light,ph test,fan,mylar or somthin that reflects,timer,and a muthafukin camra to take sum piks


Well-Known Member
you don't need 1000W for 4-8 plants, it is too much, will cost you more and will generate more heat

600W is enough

bambam - you should cover your pots with transparent caps and remove it once the plants sprout, if you don't cover the pots the top layer will dry and so will your seedling without moisture


Well-Known Member
anything light can pass thru

but don't seal it, it should have a small opening for fresh air

the basic idea is to create a greenhouse effect - with high humidity, the seeds are gonna like it


Active Member
so for 600 watts, what sort of lighting should I use? also, at what temperature should i keep the grow room? with it being what it is, it is normally very cold when sealed off from my house. I do plan on possibly lining the walls with aluminum foil for best reflection and heat retention, but other than that I need to figure out around what temps I should grow at. also, Im going to start a list once i do a bit more research and you guys can say "yay or nay" on the list...


Well-Known Member
dont use foil not good it makes hot spots, either paint walls flat white or get some mylar. as far as temps go try and keep it around 75 but under 80 if you can. i would say go for a HPS light.
oh and bambam stop hijackin his thread and start ur own!