ned some help with the stem...

hey guys, i just started growing this past monday, and the plant is now abot 2 1/2 inches tall, i broke it over the other night in a mad rush tryin to get out of the house be4 some unwanted cops showed up.... yes the plant is still alive, but i would like to know how to make the stem much much... did i mention MUCH stronger. right now its a nice green color, but the top is to heavy for the stem to support, so any advice?

i would be forever in your debt!!!!




Well-Known Member
Why are you rushing around to avoid the cops in your house? Are you sure this is the right time/place to grow?
im sure it's the right time to grow, they werent after me, my brother barrowed my truck and got arrested, and found a roach under da seat... i didnt give em a reason to go after me
the pot im using is a tiny ass one, i have yet to get to wal mart, but i have a straw arond it.. would that work until i can get a larger pot?... i don't know if i'm fuckin trippin or what, but it looks like there are 3 or 4 tiny ass crystals on the leaves... would those be trichosomes at this point?


Well-Known Member
You must be tripping, no trichosomes yet.

Anything can be a bigger pot. Cut up 2 liter pop bottle, milk jug, etc, etc.


Well-Known Member
lizard lights do emit UVB light that can benefit trichome development. Trichomes usually develop around the 4th week of flowering but is very strain-dependent. UVB (lizard) light should be considered supplemental light. Real grow light space should not be sacrificed for lizard lights.

what kind of lights are you using now? what area are you growing in?
at this very moment, regular bulbs, but thats for my vision.... during the day, i set it in the window sil, it gets abot 6 hours of sunlight,i'm not lookin for a big plant, just somethin i can be proud of for my first grow..but in a week or two i should have a sour dee sprout!!


Well-Known Member
at this very moment, regular bulbs, but thats for my vision.... during the day, i set it in the window sil, it gets abot 6 hours of sunlight,i'm not lookin for a big plant, just somethin i can be proud of for my first grow..but in a week or two i should have a sour dee sprout!!
a regular incandescent light bulb will not do the trick. I'm sorry. Nor will a single CFL and a little bit of sunlight here and there.

But don't give up hope! There are cheap ways to grow. In fact, go to your local Barnes and Noble and/or Borders/whatever and look in the gardening section for this book:
How to grow marijuana - See More Buds - video DVD reviews

have a look through it and i'm sure you'll find that it is quite cheap and relatively simple to get yourself something smokable.

But i won't lie - you gotta put forth the effort to understand the plant. What I mean is how it grows and what it needs so you can help it become the best it can be with what you have to work with.

you do have to commit yourself. :leaf:
i know florescents wont work, belive me i've done my rsearch... but im not growin indoors, in about two weeks, the plant is goin outside...i just need to keep it alive... do you know of any good deer repellants? what about rabbit repellents?
no problem....this plant is not even a week old, and the stem has broken twice, suffered from cold at night , and had some of the tap root torn off, this plant has jesus on it's side


Well-Known Member
sounds like a sketchy beginning... good luck with that. I have a fan on my plants and at first I was worried they were swaying back and forth.. but I guess it makes them stronger? They only swat a little so I think Im ok..