Need Advice Fast!clone Question!pls Help!


Active Member
No, I didn't steal it but I had to cooperate with some people who I don't know(I was very nervous)...And i didn't know if they were some undercover or were clear ...So my nerves were streched bout this!I hope everything goes fine...and that's the hard way(to take from a person I don't know!)So please tell me if it is ok for a clone...I payed for it and I don't want to lose it!Pls help!


Well-Known Member
No, I didn't steal it but I had to cooperate with some people who I don't know(I was very nervous)...And i didn't know if they were some undercover or were clear ...So my nerves were streched bout this!I hope everything goes fine...and that's the hard way(to take from a person I don't know!)So please tell me if it is ok for a clone...I payed for it and I don't want to lose it!Pls help!
Is it rooted? If not then theres lots you need to do.


Well-Known Member
Id get it in a jiffy pot with some cloning gel asap.

Iv also clipped off the leaf tips to stop transpiration but iv always done it so im not sure if it makes that huge a diff.

May I ask why you would aquire something "the hard way" and not be prepared to care for it?

I got a dog the hard its pooping in my car what do I do?


Well-Known Member
Is it rooted? If not then theres lots you need to do.
thats what im looks like they just bought a cutting.....if so..who knows how long that cutting has been exposed to the air and if it will even take could be to late


Well-Known Member
Get some cloning powder from any hardware store or home depot,if its too late tonight just put the cutting in a glass of room temp water to tide it over & keep it in a cool place.

After getting the cloning powder get a razor blade also,turn the water on in the kitchen sink to a slow run at room temp,re cut the bottom end of the cutting on the stem at a 45 degree angle under the running water,you can also use the razor blade to scrape away some of the outer covering of the stem until you see white,roots will grow out of where you scraped the stem & from the bottom.

Take the wet stalk & dip it into the cloning powder,then being carefull not to brush off the cloning powder insert the stem into your moist soil & gently pack the soil around the base of the stem,gently not firm.

After that take a spray mist bottle & lightly mist the cutting twice a day for the first day & keep it in a warm place of around 80 degrees,if the clone still looks healthy cut back on the misting to once a day for 2 days,if all is well stop misting & let the cutting grow roots,if it starts looking bad mist it again & it will perk right back up.

Just keep an eye on it & you'll be golden,within a week to 10 days you'll have roots.


Well-Known Member
Get some cloning powder from any hardware store or home depot,if its too late tonight just put the cutting in a glass of room temp water to tide it over & keep it in a cool place.

After getting the cloning powder get a razor blade also,turn the water on in the kitchen sink to a slow run at room temp,re cut the bottom end of the cutting on the stem at a 45 degree angle under the running water,you can also use the razor blade to scrape away some of the outer covering of the stem until you see white,roots will grow out of where you scraped the stem & from the bottom.

Take the wet stalk & dip it into the cloning powder,then being carefull not to brush off the cloning powder insert the stem into your moist soil & gently pack the soil around the base of the stem,gently not firm.

After that take a spray mist bottle & lightly mist the cutting twice a day for the first day & keep it in a warm place of around 80 degrees,if the clone still looks healthy cut back on the misting to once a day for 2 days,if all is well stop misting & let the cutting grow roots,if it starts looking bad mist it again & it will perk right back up.

Just keep an eye on it & you'll be golden,within a week to 10 days you'll have roots.
would you suggest this for all clone taking?


Active Member
Well I am using water cloning method.I do't think it is exposed to air.But what I was asking is that a big one for 1 clone?
It has three nodes of mature leaves and one of the iternodes has grown alot.


Well-Known Member
Well I am using water cloning method.I do't think it is exposed to air.But what I was asking is that a big one for 1 clone?
It has three nodes of mature leaves and one of the iternodes has grown alot.
A clone is a clone is a clone.......or in other words optimum size clones dont exist, quality and preparation are what count.