Need advice


I'm going to do my first grow. I will be boulding a 3d x 5w x 7h grow cabinet. The grow will be in soil. How would you set it up?


Active Member
first is ur grow in door or out? rephraseing it is obiviously permanet so instead of building from scratch look around for an old fridge or freezer (hopfully your smart enough when i said old!!!! not to buy new but sum people these day dont comprehend lol) but if you have a built frame your already half way there next need lighting hps's have a high heat out put so its kinda inpractical so i would think multiple cfl's, also look for a low odor strains since your growin indoors. im not use how to do


Active Member
Ventilation is a key you have to be able to adjust the temps you can put on dimmer with high and low speeds something tall enough or you should have enough knowledge to know when to switch them over because the end up in the lights reel fast. Lights being adjustable so you keep them on top of them (to keep them from stretching) and slowly move them up.


I have plenty of power in the room, multiple 20 amp circuts. I will be able to vent out the chimney. I was wondering if I should use hps 400 or 600, and can I use the same bulb for both veg and flower. I can get cf if I need to. I will use an inline fan to vent.