Need advise on Indoor Cab grow...Budget of $2600.00


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

As some of you may know I have been doing a PC grow for the past few months and now looking to move up a bit in the growing world. I am looking to purchase the 'SuperFlower' from supercloset
which is a 3 n 1 mini cube cabinet. The diminsions are just about one cubic meter and I will be running the 600hps and mh bulbs.

Just really wanting to know if 350-550gs is a good average for this diminsions and lighting. I will be using the hydro kit that comes with. Thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
bump* -- sorry I really need a confirmation on this one...lot of $$.

Post #100 wo0t wo0t


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advise, S. However, I unfortuantly cannot go that route because stealth is key. I forgot to add that in my last post, but it can not be comprimised. Thanks again and appreciate the advise.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, congrats on your decision to upgrade. You definetely have a robust budget.

Any of those cabinets you pick from are going to perform quite well and if you have the money to throw down, might as well. My only dislike about them is they are too short for a lot of strains...and I know that from your perspective, doing pc grows, that just about anything bigger will be a better step-up. I think, for the vast majority of the active users here(myself included), most probably constructed their own cab, so a lot people don't have first hand knowledge of their practical use...i certainly have only seen photos, never in person.

I wouldn't tell you what to do, because there IS value in just having it all finished shipped to your door. If I had that budget personally, I would buy an exceptionally exquisite piece of furniture, and convert it myself.

I built mine, it's two armoire tops stacked on top of eachother to make one solid cabinet(doesnt have a seperate veg chamber) total cost was under $1000. This thing is about 6' tall on the inside and some stuff still grows too big for it.

So if you're going to buy a pre fab grow cab, buy the tallest one you can find.

