Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!


Could any1 give me some feedback about my plants?

I think i might have too compact soil, i dont know... and i really cant check the PH of the soil but im guessing that is my issue (remember... guessing)
i would really like an experienced persons feedback about what you think about it all...

I grow in a.. maybe tree times as big room as the plant take.. this is my first grow so im gonna expand later, but after ive learned the basics and get some more experience.

Im using those airy pouches and a pretty light soil, but when watering it gets pretty compact.
400w HPS over 4 plants.

Notice a slight discoloration on one of the leaves in picture 1.jpg, what is that?
and one of them are a friggin monster! twice as big as the others? maybe use that for a motherplant?

Any thoughts are welcome :) Thanks!


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
turn off the hps light and turn on some cfl's to take your pics. you cant really see the color of the plants.

if you turn off the hps for pics, wait 15 minutes before turning the hps back on. this allows the gasses inside the bulb to cool off before restart.

but overall they look good.

how old are they?

what kind of soil?


Well-Known Member
They are looking good. But yes looks compact. Next time add some perlite. And your going to need to make sure they are female with no hurmie problem before you make a mother out of any of them. So veg to the size you want. Take a clone from each. Don't for get to mark them. Any male or herm ditch plant and clone. If you get all of them female. Your good for your next grow. Watch the budding plant and deside the best one. Take a clone from that veging clone. And BAM a nice verified good producing female as a clone that would be a good mother.


hehe sorry about the light, but they are a bit pale green i think, not the strong dark green i suspect they should be (?) maybe the light is fooling me when im looking at them aswell.. they are asleep atm so gonna take some pics tomorrow with better light

These pictures was taken 11 days after i put the germinized seeds into the soil.

Im still waiting for this soil manufacture to reply my email what it exactly contains :S
obviously it works but i am afraid it will choke my plants later on? is that possible?

i added some very small amounts of veg nutes a few days ago, (probably way to early?) and i know this soil is fertilized so maybe the discoloration could be overfeeding?
im thinking about flushing these tomorrow... do you guys think thats necessary ? how fast do these salt stuff build up?

i will for sure add some perlite in the future :)

sorry about my bad english and thanks guys for helping me :)


btw its one of the northern lights strain.

i got many recommendations to start with that strain... have any1 of you tried it?


Well-Known Member
Don't flush. If it's a good soil with nutes you should be good for 40 days if you go to bigger pots as they grow. Your next transplant mix in some perlite. That's it. Then at first sign of yellowing that's when you add your nutes. The rest should be in the soil. If not font get that shit agin.


Well-Known Member
A couple times I have gotten my soil too compacted as I was putting seedlings into dirt. I was able to
tell immediately because the first watering ran right off the top soil and headed for the side of the pot.
If your water soaks in well you are OK.

Perhaps you would have been better off to put new seedlings into a couple smaller pots before they go
into their final pot. Seedlings won't grow above ground until the roots reach the inside walls of their pot.
Until then they just grow roots. By transplanting into slightly larger pots, your plants won't waste so much time growing
a bigger rootball than needed.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Go get some Happy Frog Soil and repot them, also after a week in the new pots use some voodo juice for root growth. Dont tear the roots up whey you repot, Just lift and mabey shake a few times to knock the loose soil off than put them in the new soil the roots will take off and so will your girl.


Active Member
hi freddyoh

i am doing a grow to get a good mother plant right now and my plants are at the same stage as yours
i have done a lot of grows and have started from seeds a couple of times to get a good mother plant from the best plants

if you want to follow my grow i can help you every step of the way to get a great mother plant and help you if you have any problems
i grow in soil but coco grows are not a lot different from soil grows


heres my room... sry about the light again :P

any thoughts and critique are ofcourse welcome :) i want to learn about it all

(there is a fan blowing at the plants about where i stand also)



sounds good largebuds, i will follow your growth :) yours seems a little more advanced tho hehe

chrishydro im not sure those soils are available in my country :( what does the happy frog soil contain?
im considering replanting one of them with same soil and mix in a little perlite, to get the experience and see differences


look at these two... it freaks a newbie out :P

planted same day, same soil, same strain, same shop, same pots, same water amounts n all... i even switch places sometimes and turn them a half turn every other day...

the big one just loves it, and the other one is pushed together and doesnt really want to grow alot... i dunno!



Active Member
be good to follow your grow and see you grow lots of bud
and have a good mother plant

i don't know if frog soil is good but i use biobizz soil with good results

you need your light to be about 12-14" above the plants and have oscillating fan blowing (set on low speed) just above the canopy but under the 400w light

this will give the plant lots of good airflow, helps to make the stems stronger and keeps the canopy temps cooler but at the same time give them lots of light


Active Member
look at these two... it freaks a newbie out :P

planted same day, same soil, same strain, same shop, same pots, same water amounts n all... i even switch places sometimes and turn them a half turn every other day...

the big one just loves it, and the other one is pushed together and doesnt really want to grow alot... i dunno!

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hi freddyoh

this is how it goes
i started with 10 seedling but 3 was small and weak so only kept the best 1 out the 3
so i kept 8 seedling out of the 10 seedling and can see me getting rid of more of them

if i only had 4 seedling i would keep all 4 but they will all grow very different


Well-Known Member
look at these two... it freaks a newbie out :P

planted same day, same soil, same strain, same shop, same pots, same water amounts n all... i even switch places sometimes and turn them a half turn every other day...

the big one just loves it, and the other one is pushed together and doesnt really want to grow alot... i dunno!

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Guess what one I would use as a mother? And I always get a runt every grow.