Need harvesting advice


Active Member
Okay, so I started this as a shot in the dark to see if it was possible. I scoured bag after bag after bag until I found one seed, so again I really didn't think this would work. Apparently, it did. I've never grown before so I just bought some plant lighting and some all purpose plant food. The results so far are pictured below. I have been growing this for almost four months so I'm feeling that this should be done by now. However, I have no clue. I have it on a 12/12 lighting cycle right now. The bud on the top looks full and done but the buds that are beneath don't look ready. I'm trying so hard not to ruin this thing as I have NO green thumb and I kill evey household plant I've ever tried to grow. I don't know if I should harvest or not because theres only a couple decent size buds. Any advice at all would be appreciated. Thanks.

ps- sorry about the bluriness but I had to crop in order to attach the pics.



Well-Known Member
Well, congrats!

You can grow something. I looked at your pics and I see the top bud does look done.
You can always cut that off and wait a week or so for the rest.

Toward the end of "My Jorunal" I cover when to harvest. you may want to check it out.


Active Member
it looks just about ready dude the white hairs are now orange, so id say just let the plant dry out and then chop it down then prepare for drying and curing


Well-Known Member
Apparently you do have a green thumb for something. Congrats! She looks ready. No problem taking the top cola and leaving the lower buds to ripen a little longer if necessary. Cut it, trim it, hang it. When you bend the stalk and it snaps the drying is it's time to cure. Place it in a sealed container and burp the container each day. When you first cut it down it'll smell wonderful. After a few days of drying it'll smell like cut grass. Not to worry...that nice smell returns as it cures.


Active Member
So, if I want to cut the top should I just cut right underneath the bud? I'm just nervous if I leave the other buds on I will leave them too long and I will kill it<not even sure if that's possible


Active Member
Also, I'm still watering it a little bit everyday and I'm really not sure I'm supposed to be doing that since I'm down to the final weeks.


Well-Known Member
So, if I want to cut the top should I just cut right underneath the bud? I'm just nervous if I leave the other buds on I will leave them too long and I will kill it<not even sure if that's possible
Take the whole top cola and any other bud that looks similar. The rest will ripen and can be picked when they look similar to the way your top cola looks now.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I sugget you show a picture of the whole plant.

I hoped you flushed your plant for at least 5 days. I go 7-14 days.

Nice buds, so far. But growing nice buds, and being able to smoke those nice buds, are not the same. Flushing, drying and curing are important also.

Show a picture of the whole plant, and tell us what you have been doing for the last two weeks. At least the last week.

That one bud is very nice though. Good luck.


Active Member
Let me just start with I'm a chick..Okay, when I mean I'm clueless, I'm clueless. I had no idea what you meant by flushing but I looked in the terms/slang thread and got this:

Flush - the act of cleansing a plant’s roots of nutrients and contaminants by giving the plant large amounts of water (usually equal to 3 times the volume of soil the plant is in).

Now with that said as someone who has no idea what they are doing it's been awhile (2 months) since I put any plant food (which is the only thing I ever used) anyway, just water I have been using for the past 2 months or so. Which is probably the reason why I have a small yield but again, this was an experiement. So should I go five days with more water than I've been using or should I be good since I haven't been using any nutes for awhile?

I can't get the whole plant in the pics because I'm having trouble resizing to the dimensions while keeping the whole plant in the pic

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Let me just start with I'm a chick..Okay, when I mean I'm clueless, I'm clueless. I had no idea what you meant by flushing but I looked in the terms/slang thread and got this:

Flush - the act of cleansing a plant&#8217;s roots of nutrients and contaminants by giving the plant large amounts of water (usually equal to 3 times the volume of soil the plant is in).
Sorry about that heaven. I assumed you knew what flushing was. :)

I would say that just useing water for 30 days would do just as good as any regular flushing. Hang those nuggets up, and see how it turns out. If it smokes as nice as it looks, it should be pretty dang good.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Well from what I've read the way to TRULY tell if she's ready is to inspect the Trichomes (resin glands) with a magnifying glass. According to all I've read you really DO need a magnifier to really see them. If the majority of them are CLEAR (see through)... then it's still too early.

Harvest when 50 to 80% of them are MILKY WHITE in color (not see through) and not.
I know you said she's been growing for 4 months... but how long has she been on the 12/12 cycle?

No way for us to tell really from those pictures. Get a magnifier and inspect closer. Be a shame if you harvested early and wasted all that time and work if she isn't really ready. :D


Active Member
Quick upate... I cut the large bud off the top, trimmed it, hung it, and now it's in a jar looking pretty good. I've been opening the jar once everyday. Thanks everybody for the advice.