Need Help About My Mothers


Active Member
hello here are some pic's of my mother's and clones does it look like they are going into bloom?? they are geting red hair and looks like maybe buds starting to grow any help wolud be great the clones are 7 days old and running 24hrs of light and the mothers are 18 hrs of light.!!!!!!!!!

Let me know what you guys think any help is great!!!!!!!

:blsmoke:Thanks Louie:blsmoke:

here are the mothers..... are the clones



Active Member
hey ontario the strain is northern lights#5 and i have have had the mothers on 18 hr's of light and the clones on 24hr.

you think that there starting to flower? and if so what can i do to stop it or am i f***ed???

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
mmmh seems to me its just showing the sex auto but thats normal the clones should go to veg keep them on track


Active Member
hey thanks ontario for the info i will keep doing what im doing i guess and see what they do i will keep you guys posted on my grow.

Thanks Louie


Junior Creatologist
probably an Autoflowering strain, how old are the mothers/clones?

Dude, theyre not an autoflowering strain. How do you think he got mother plants?? People make clones because they keep the EXACT same genetics as the mother that theyre clipped from. Not an autoflowering strain. No offense or nothin like that, but people say that shit all the time, and it just urks me dude. sorry for comin off like a dick tho :D

N bro, personally if i was you, i would fuckin go with it. Fuck tryin to revert it back to Veg and confuse the little fucks, i would just keep flowering them bitches, and lollipop the everlovin fuck out of them. This way you would have a yield in 8-10 weeks, and it wouldnt be some extremely deminished yield, youd get a respectable amount of nugz from a lollipop crop for sure man - just a shitload of nice, big top colas, with everything below the main cola stripped off, so it looks like one juicy fat fuckin nug lollipop. Thats actually how i plan to do my perpetual grow man. Just have mothers, and every 4 weeks throw a shitload of clones into flower(having 2 flowering rooms of course). Both rooms will be full of lollipop clones that you dont have to wait on vegging to go on. Theyll still get nice n big on you, just not HUGE like you would expect a full plant to get. the lollipop method is EXTREMELY efficient. look it up using search dude. youll see. :D

Have fun man, n GOOD LUCK!!
