Need help ASAP. new clones


I started a grow yesterday. Picked up 2 lavender clones and put them in a soil mix outside. i watered them after i put them in and misted the clones themselves.. When i woke up today i went out to take pics for a grow journal buuuut... one seems to be doing fine but the other is looking major droopy, rubbery if you will and even though the middle stem is standing up straight its limbs are all drooped over.. I know pictures would be a big help but obviuosly my camera had to stop working today... im workin on it though.. there still green with no diffrent colors... I put them directly in sunlgiht.. could that be the problem?


Well-Known Member
it's natural for some drooping, just make sure you're misting them and keeping them under a humidity dome. and not all clones make it, anyway.


New Member
Optimally, you should have given them a chance to take root in a controlled environment with artificial lighting, and wouldn't lose any. Any clones I have planted outside ever have always been well established and rooted before I think they are strong enough to make it under the sun.


I stand corrected.. there both drooping.. i took them out of direct sunlight, there in a shady spot were the get indirect sunlight..i dont have any lights to put them under inside.


Well-Known Member
unless it is very humid where you live you need to find something to increase the relative humidity of the plant's environment. no reason the same humidity dome used indoors wouldn't work for you outside.


Humdity dome... i dont have one.. can i make a tent out of plastic wrap or something.., and lets just say they CANT go inside.. so no light bulb.. if i put them in the shady part of the back yard wont it be enough?

Also lets just say i can move them inside.. One light bulb close to the plants enough?


Well-Known Member
you can rig anything that has a clear top and completely encloses the plant except for very small air inlets. you might be able to cut out the bottom and top of a cardboard box and use plastic wrap over the top. the plastic also helps cut out some light to protect your clones.


New Member
Humdity dome... i dont have one.. can i make a tent out of plastic wrap or something.., and lets just say they CANT go inside.. so no light bulb.. if i put them in the shady part of the back yard wont it be enough?
Yup. Indirect sunlight and make a tent out of plastic wrap sounds fine for your situation, since going inside right now is out the window. Make sure that when you make the tents the plastic is not touching the plants, and they are made realtively tight so any condensation won't make the plastic sag and drip.


Active Member
Cut a 2 liter pop bottle in half and set it over the clone.
What works for me (indoor grow), is mist the plant, mist the dome, then cover with dome.
took 6 days to root. Then I transfer to dirt. Plants still look good after 2 days in dirt.
Granted I do not grow outside. I am new to all of this. But I like to be able to control the grow environment.


Active Member
get yourself some 16, 20,oz or larger plastic opaque cups, they work great, just put over plant and lift 1 or 2 times daily; quick and cheap humidity dome. A 1 gallon milk jug cut in half works great also; Good luck.


So after some major soda and water drinking.. this is the best i can come up with for right now.. i misted both lightlly and will lift uo twice a day.. leaving anything out?




only a few hours went by and there already starting to straigten up.. good advice. thank you.. Since i already plantd them in soil its hard to tell when they are strating to get a good root.. should i keep these containers on till they dont fit?


Well-Known Member
no, you don't need them that long. once your clone starts producing a couple of nodes it should be hardy enough to stand the outdoors on its own.


The one under the 2 liter soda bottle doesnt looked to of changed for the better or worse.. the one under the milk jug seems to of regressed a bit.. its got a tiny bit of brown on the highest leaf.. even though i watered late yesterday the soil was dry this morning.. I watered and misted again and will keep updating but any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Cut a 2 liter pop bottle in half and set it over the clone.
What works for me (indoor grow), is mist the plant, mist the dome, then cover with dome.
took 6 days to root. Then I transfer to dirt. Plants still look good after 2 days in dirt.
Granted I do not grow outside. I am new to all of this. But I like to be able to control the grow environment.
I have a Humidity dome ($5 a local hydro) but I will be using the 2 liter dome when I put some plants out in a week or 2. Maybe it will keep away the critters for awhile.

Rep+ :weed:


I Carefully dug around the cube to see if it has rooted anymore and it has not.. Ive been reading all sorts of things on this site and already know ive done a handful of things wrong. by watering the cube i could of washed away all the rooting gel.. im looking into a root booster or something as we speak.. but i might just have to start over and get more clones.. i really hope these make it though.


Active Member
when I have used the milk jugs I didnt move them to a shaded area, I kept them in direct sunlight the opaque color of the jug shielded enough, make sure it is getting air also I would unscrew that top off the jug; Allows evaporation at a slower rate it will still create the humidity you want but also help any mildew problems.


Seems like during the day they regress but start looking better and stand up closer to dusk. Could this mean to much sun during the day? or is this how they normaly react?