Need help choosing a base hydro nute.


Well-Known Member
So after days searching the web I've only been further befuddled and given a occular migraine so I figured I'd ask what my bud brothers and sisters here at RUI what they are using. Have used gh bloom/micro with the lucas formula, h&g aqua flakes and an bloom/micro again with the lucas formula but its been awhile and my memory is off due to a undiagnosed neruological disease. Using CES 3 part right now and am having k deficiencies but that may have been due to me being rusty and being out of the loop a few years. I also started these girls in perilite hempys instead of starting in drip totes with hydroton and moving to perilite hempys during flowering like I used to so I'll be going back to that method.

The additives I have already are x nutrients amino blast, uncle johns blend, bontaicare cal-mag, protekt silca, an bud candy and ultra snow storm. I'll be getting gravity and looking into moab, bud blood and overdrive.

My main concern is what would be the best base hydro nutrients I could use. I found a old thread here where somebody said plain maxigrow and maxibloom beats an and h&g. I don't care which brand it is I'm just trying to find the best base nutes I can use. I have a high end milwaukee combo meter so adjusting ph and ppm levels is not a issue. Sorry if that was a long winded post I appreciate any input on this.


Well-Known Member
I switched to Maxi grow and bloom and that's all I use now. Haven't had to use a any supplements. Nice and simple and my plants are doing great.

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Well-Known Member
So after days searching the web I've only been further befuddled and given a occular migraine so I figured I'd ask what my bud brothers and sisters here at RUI what they are using. Have used gh bloom/micro with the lucas formula, h&g aqua flakes and an bloom/micro again with the lucas formula but its been awhile and my memory is off due to a undiagnosed neruological disease. Using CES 3 part right now and am having k deficiencies but that may have been due to me being rusty and being out of the loop a few years. I also started these girls in perilite hempys instead of starting in drip totes with hydroton and moving to perilite hempys during flowering like I used to so I'll be going back to that method.

The additives I have already are x nutrients amino blast, uncle johns blend, bontaicare cal-mag, protekt silca, an bud candy and ultra snow storm. I'll be getting gravity and looking into moab, bud blood and overdrive.

My main concern is what would be the best base hydro nutrients I could use. I found a old thread here where somebody said plain maxigrow and maxibloom beats an and h&g. I don't care which brand it is I'm just trying to find the best base nutes I can use. I have a high end milwaukee combo meter so adjusting ph and ppm levels is not a issue. Sorry if that was a long winded post I appreciate any input on this.
I'll start it here - mineral salts are mineral salts. Elemental salts. Period. General Hydroponics Flora series. 3 parts and I use all 3 in my feeds well into flowering. Then I cut the N back. Way back. Despite label instructions. Of course a real carpenter can build a nice house with just a hammer, saw, a square and some nails.


Well-Known Member
I had great results before with the flora series might switch back. Both maxigro/maxibloom and dynagro are cheap so I'll pick some up and try em out. Gonna give ces nutes another try in a continuous drip tote and see if was user error starting them in hempy buckets. Contrary to what some say hempy buckets CAN be overwatered especially with young plants. My babies got sick after filling to where it came out.


Well-Known Member
I'll start it here - mineral salts are mineral salts. Elemental salts. Period. General Hydroponics Flora series. 3 parts and I use all 3 in my feeds well into flowering. Then I cut the N back. Way back. Despite label instructions. Of course a real carpenter can build a nice house with just a hammer, saw, a square and some nails.
You are right about cutting out nitrogen. You can get some dense bud on a sativa that way.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I'll start it here - mineral salts are mineral salts. Elemental salts. Period. General Hydroponics Flora series. 3 parts and I use all 3 in my feeds well into flowering. Then I cut the N back. Way back. Despite label instructions. Of course a real carpenter can build a nice house with just a hammer, saw, a square and some nails.
But it takes that guy 14 years to build the house lol