Need help choosing parts Wardrobe grow 4x4x6 Max yield Fem SuperSH

hello all,
i have been planning for some time, like 6 weeks or so, of starting my first grow.
I have a 4ft wide x 4ft long x 6ft high grow area with a further 1ft 9 x 4ft slightly higher next to it for carbon scrubber and nutes etc..

My budget is £700 but i want to be able to produce about .7g per watt by my 2nd grow so i will most likely be purchasing a 1000W HPS for my flowering. I can only afford the magnetic ballast atm. A few people have told me that they think i should get a 600W for my 1st but im not sure if its worth it. I dont want to have to upgrade ALL of my equipment straight away. I have heard that digital ballast arent worth the money anyway.

i havnt yet decided on what light i am going to use for vegging, i am stuck to decide what will be better for me because i am vegging in a tent, how many 2ft or 4ft tubes do u think i would need to provide adequate lighting for 8 plants in a tent. Or would i be better of in price and space getting a CFL for the tent, or even MH. What wattage do you think i would need?

for cooling i am going to use an cooltube 6" + oscillating fan to keep stem healthy and strong.

As this is my 1st grow i am a little unsure of a few things like if the cooltube will reduce the heat output im my sealed grow room to 70-80f or if more ventialltion and cooling is needed?

My Medium i will use will be soil, at first i planned on doing hydro but after adding up some prices and extras i figured i am going to have to start off in soil for my 1st and maybe purchase a table for my 2nd.

I am open to suggestions on Nutes as im going for max yield but so far i have been recommended Foxfarm nutes + liquid light spray.

For smell i have decided to get a 250+ Cfm inline fan and carbon filter combo.

Because my area is'nt the desirable size for vegging and flowering i have decided to have a seperate vegging room which will be in a tent in my garage. it will be big enough to hold 8-10 plants in soil under my 400W MH light.

Can anyone recommend me any fairly cheap hydro systems that they may have built or bough, that work well? it could still be a possibility.

I understand that the carbon filter has to have air pulled through it to negate the smell, but how does this work in conjunction to aircooled lights, I have looked for an answer but i cant seem to understand how the ducting works. Is it 2 seperate ducts? or the Lighting and the carbon filter together?

Some pics of my Space:
(the shelf and bar will be taken out ofc)



Well-Known Member
If i were you i would opt for a 1000w since they are cheaper than the 600's. But remember a 1000w produce a lot's of heat and you will most likely need a cooled hood with at leat 400cfm to keep it cool enough.
a 250cfm won't be enough for cooltube alone with a 1000watter so far from enough to cool down a 1000w and scrub trough filter also. I suggest a 6" vortex 449cfm. The price range betweet the vortex 4" and the vortex 6" is like $50, a wise investment.

Here is an exemple of how you should do it. you see me, now you dont/HomeGrown420 - Now you see me, 7_files/889416Picture_012-med.jpg

If you have the ressource to afford a kick ass air pump (hydro or pond pump) then i would suggest DWC, DWC is so easy and grow way so fast i regret i shut down mine.
But in this area you could stack up lot's of plants.

Hope this might help.
If i were you i would opt for a 1000w since they are cheaper than the 600's. But remember a 1000w produce a lot's of heat and you will most likely need a cooled hood with at leat 400cfm to keep it cool enough.
a 250cfm won't be enough for cooltube alone with a 1000watter so far from enough to cool down a 1000w and scrub trough filter also. I suggest a 6" vortex 449cfm. The price range betweet the vortex 4" and the vortex 6" is like $50, a wise investment.

Here is an exemple of how you should do it. you see me, now you dont/HomeGrown420 - Now you see me, 7_files/889416Picture_012-med.jpg

If you have the ressource to afford a kick ass air pump (hydro or pond pump) then i would suggest DWC, DWC is so easy and grow way so fast i regret i shut down mine.
But in this area you could stack up lot's of plants.

Hope this might help.
oki sounds good, i found a 1000W cooltube hps for £210, magnetic ballast though, cheap as chips really.
gdgd, so 450 cfm is enough for 6x4x6 area. Thing just the cooltube alone will be enough heat control.
I have 1-2 osc fans i can through in with it. Will i need any kind of humidity control too?
and back to veg.
I really cant decide...
im going purely for yield so would the MH make any difference to that of a CFL, FL?
if not then i guess il get a cfl or some 4ft FL for my tent to avoid heat problems.
How many watts of CFL or 4ft FL do i need to keep 8-10 plants happy, and able to produce around 0.75lb - 1.25lb

Lvf West

Nice place to grow. I would buy 600wt digital ballast ,its safer , cooler , and cheaper to run. If you really feel like thats not enough light, get the digital 1000. 1000wt run very hot maximum ventilation it a must , they run hot and magnetic ballast run hot and can contribute to climate issues . i run 2 600wt 1hps 1 mh, i switch out the mh for an additional hps during the last 4-5 weeks of flowering.
to save money buy some cheap shop lights T12s maybe 2-3 4' with a cool and warm bulb that should keep enough light to keep mothers happy . the more light in the veg the more pruning you will have to do , this light will give you just enough light to supply you with plenty of clones for your next crop.
have you considered veg and flower in the same chamber and just clone back?
Soil is a good choice for first grow get to know the plant , if watering is an issue a simple tray, water pump, timer and two plastic totes can make an easy drain to waste drip system that would keep you girls fed when you are busy.
Good Luck
Nice place to grow. I would buy 600wt digital ballast ,its safer , cooler , and cheaper to run. If you really feel like thats not enough light, get the digital 1000. 1000wt run very hot maximum ventilation it a must , they run hot and magnetic ballast run hot and can contribute to climate issues . i run 2 600wt 1hps 1 mh, i switch out the mh for an additional hps during the last 4-5 weeks of flowering.
to save money buy some cheap shop lights T12s maybe 2-3 4' with a cool and warm bulb that should keep enough light to keep mothers happy . the more light in the veg the more pruning you will have to do , this light will give you just enough light to supply you with plenty of clones for your next crop.
have you considered veg and flower in the same chamber and just clone back?
Soil is a good choice for first grow get to know the plant , if watering is an issue a simple tray, water pump, timer and two plastic totes can make an easy drain to waste drip system that would keep you girls fed when you are busy.
Good Luck
yea i did consider veggin in same room but i would like to a continous 2 month harvest instead of having to veg them tall each time.
but do you think i would be better off getting a 600W HPS and buying a 2nd after 1st harvest? if so, aircooled?
i know that could save me some money for other things like heat control or for DWC buckets..
i thought digital ballasts wornt worth the money though, apart from there extra lumen output claim and efficency. a digital ballast 1000W cooltube would cost me about £320+ but magentic will be £210 and my budget isnt great so is it really worth it?


Well-Known Member
450cfm is gonna be good to cool one 1000w light if you exhaust outside the grow room.
Magnetic or Digital 1000w is 1000w and gonna cost the same amount of power. However that is true that they run a lot cooler and you don't ear zzzzzzzzz.
I am not sure if the temps is going to stay under 80's without fresh cold air intake or A/C. Unless you plan on rising up the CO2 level..
If youre on a budget, you can use the 1000w HPS to veg, just keep it 60inch away when they are clones/seedling and slowly lower the light as they grow. Or Daylight 6500K CFL are cheap way also.
600w Would be nice but they tend to be slightly higher in price. But you would save in the long run on the energy bill.
i went out and bought a bunch of stuff including:
600W lumatek ballast
osram bulb
built a DWC recirc bubbler system with
maxi jet 1000lt hr pump
12 way air pump hailea i think
8" carbon filter with 750 m3 hr extraction fan. got this set cheap from friends
also got full general hydroponics nutes
and fan speed control for that beast.

all i need to do now is get growing.
i still have an issue though.
I was going to buy 7 cuttings off a friend of a friend who apparently has Blue cheese, some afghan strain + others
but im not sure if i should do this or purchase feminised seeds. preferably a high yield one like Super silver haze or White russian.
it would prolly be cheaper but how would it go in terms of quality, yield potential and others..
Oh and what payment method do you guys use when your ordering from seed banks online?

Oh and another thing, im not going to be vegging in a seperate room, just going to use cuttings. i figured if i was going to buy a tent to veg in, i may aswell just veg+flower in it for double.