Need help diagnosing in final weeks of flower.


Well-Known Member
I am in the final weeks of flowering of 2 white widows from diff seed banks, 1 blue cheese, and 2 hazes hash plant and super lemon. The Hazes are looking fine, but each the others each have a different looking problem. The blue cheese seems have the worst problem with necrotic yellowing fan leaves. The one white widow has spotted fan leaves. The other I think is fine its just dropping fan leaves in the final weeks of flowering, it has yellowing fan leaves that eventually drop. Here are some pic's of each of the problems please input if anyone has a better idea of what is going on. I don't wanna correct it with nutrients if its a heat problem which could of been I had them in a hot closet for a few weeks 85+F and it got to almost 95F for an hour or 2 one day then i moved them to the basement where it is a steady 79-83 during lights on. Using 600w HPS, Blue Mountain organic nutrients, supplemented with some homboldt bud up powder, and some fox farms stuff. In fox farm happy frog soil mixed 3rd of coarse perlite in 5 gallon buckets. Please help I wanna make sure my final weeks lead to a great harvest. Just wanna make sure my stuff isnt going downhill right at the end. So please any input on how to correct these issues if I have any.



Well-Known Member
The first pic is hard to tell. It looks alot like a major potassium deficiency I had once, my leaves died and curled like that, and the necrosis started from the edges, then workled it's way in. The middle pics look like a calcium deficiency, or possibly ozone damage, or maybe PH spotting? MY guess is calcium, unless that closet had a build up of ozone, with that heat and enclosed space. I'd go with some CalMag or a similar product, then wait it out. You're far enough along that you're yield isn't in much threat. Better yet, would be to flush, then give it a nice fresh dose of fert, along with trace nutes, then finish 'em out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks I was thinking about giving them Calcium or some dololime/Epsom salts in my case, but then I think that my house water which I sometimes use for watering the plants is high in calcium. I have the plants in that tent now and i ducted AC into it so its much better, I am gonna try to drill some more holes in the bottom of my 5 gallon buckets and flush then do like you said. next time ill try to enlarge the pictures, not sure why they werent bigger on my PC they were.

Also do you know how long I should let these plants grow they are at day 55 i checked the seed websites it all says 8-10 weeks for pretty much all my strains, im thinkin 10 weeks? I have a pocket microscope but its almost impossibe for me to find amber trichomes i always see milk/clear ones. Also the hairs are all still mostly white. I was thinking of making the dark cycle 13 hours instead of 12 for these finals weeks as well. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
My understanding is the leafs are supposed to yellow and die off in late flowering its a good thing


Well-Known Member
Changing the dark cycle won't really speed things up. You'll just have to be patient and wait. When almost all of the pistils have turned, that's when they're about done, and you'll be able to pick out the amber trichs.


Well-Known Member
Ok, now I am confused. I just read this on

"When you cut small buds from your plant to test them, you want to concentrate on the stalked glandular trichomes. The coloration of the gland heads can vary with different strains and maturity, but most start with clear or slightly amber heads that gradually become cloudy or opaque when THC levels have peaked and are beginning to degrade. Regardless of the initial color of the trichomes, with careful observation you should be able to see a change in coloration as maturity levels off. Some cultivators wait for about half of the trichomes to go opaque before harvesting to ensure maximum THC levels in the finished product. However, you will also want to try samples at various stages to see what is best for you. While you may be increasing the total THC level in the cannabis by allowing half of the glands to go opaque, there will also be a larger percentage of CBN, which is why some people choose to harvest earlier while most of the trichomes are still clear."

I keep reading about "amber trichs" yet this article states that is how they start? I just got a 60-100x scope, snipped a small leaf and have some amber, some cloudy and some clear trichs with about 50% red pistils. I am on day 48 of 12/12 sativa. Any thoughts would be appreciated and without pictures anyway to tell how long before harvest?

fox farm soil. 12 CFLs, 8-2700k, 4-6500k. all 23 and 26 watts. Tiger bloom nutes.


Well-Known Member
^Hmmm....that's a new one, to me. IDK, I suppose it's possible to have trichs that start with a slight amber tint, but that's not really important. If they were going to start out amber, they'd all start out amber, then turn cloudy, not mixed and matched. So, if you have clear trichs, that means they all started out clear, and are now starting to turn. They'll all turn amber, and I'm guessing the ones that started out with an amber tint, will turn a dark shade or amber when they're mature. It'd be noticeable, so no worries.

Judging from what you've said about your plants, I'd say that you have another 7-14 days, depending on preference. 50/50 turning of the pistils is a little early, IMO, so I'd wait a little longer. Mine are mainly indica, and when they're ready, the pistils are about 95% red. Sativas can be a little different though, because many of them continue sprouting new pistils, and never seem to finish. With most indicas, they look finished, when they're finished. If you want, you could sample a bud and see what you think, but I'd wait at least another week, even if you are happy with the buzz, because it's almost guaranteed to improve with age. Sounds a tad immature yet, but getting close. :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for all the replies interesting about what you read in 420 magazine. I agree Jawbrodt. My plants are at day 56 My widows are like 60% sativa 40%, indica the Blue cheese is 20% sativa and 80% indica, Hash plant haze 70% sativa 30% indica, and Super lemon haze I think I believe is also 70-80% sativa. Anyway I started flushing the plants anyone think I shoukd flush all the way to like day 70-75 or add like one more dose of my organic ferts in between maybe with some dolomatic lime. I need to do a soil PH test, my soil meter says its around high 6 to 7 tho. A small nug fell off one of my plants and i dried it for a few days and it still has this wierd taste that my Roadrunner auto flower plant has, I don't know what it is, from the water or my nutrients. Anyone know if I should flush with distilled water? It always seem to have a PH of 8 around here and is hard to drop, and does not seem to work well on my plants in the passed. ALl the websites say 8-10 weeks for all my strains so I thinking 10 weeks will be the best since the seeds are feminized, less chance of going hermie I think.


Well-Known Member
Here are some sample buds I picked today to test to see if the plant is almost done. I will let them dry for like 3 days probably before sampling. I tried some of the scissors hash i got just from trimming these and it got me very sativa high, probably from the large amounts of THC all over the SL Haze. Tell me how they look its my first time with "real strains" and they look like 1000x better than any of my previous harvest. There is 1 or 2 little buds from each of my plants. The larger one in the middle is a White Widow. The other ones i determine by THC crystal formation and smell, lol. No reason to label em.

