need help diagnosing plant issue *pics


Active Member
IMAG0204.jpgleaves were yellowing from the outside in and now turning brown and crispy on the edges
IMAG0203.jpgit might be a combo of problems but soil is hp promix /w kelp meal added


Well-Known Member
Its too small to be flowering bro you will be lucky to get a joint. Change the light period to 24/0 and get that thing vegging again and also give it a flush the issue it has is nute burn.


Active Member
Its too small to be flowering bro you will be lucky to get a joint. Change the light period to 24/0 and get that thing vegging again
Where did he say he was flowering her? Did I miss something?

Anyway man you prolly don't need any nutrients at this point, and it does look like you've burned her just a little with nutes (kelp maybe?). I used to use Promix professional quite a bit, and with plants that small I'd just throw a handful of composted humus, and manure (literally 2 bucks at any garden shop) into 3 gallons of dirt, and mix it well. That's a nice slow release fertilizer, and it's got the right amount of nitrogen. I didn't worry about any other nutes until I had three or four nodes, or went to a bigger pot. Just give her straight water until you turn the corner, and she starts to get some lush new growth, and a couple more nodes.


Well-Known Member
and how is it too small for flwoering? as long as its establcished he can flower,it wil always veg a lil more at the start of flower anyways

u wanna flower u flower matey,
like my man says dont add any nutes,,i mean if u have give em a lil flush and then leave them,,u shouldnt need to water more than once or twice a week at the moment so dont over do it,,after flush leave for a week or so,for the size of the plant its a in a nice pot so make sure not to water to much


Well-Known Member
well based on the blurry picture, i see where BUDS said not to start flowering yet. . .but no harm if you are flowering her, it will work out just the same, just on a much smaller scale.

Many people starting flowering right away, hence 12/12 from seed.