Need help going in and out of shroom induced flashbacks

So a couple days ago (maybe 3 or 4) I ate 10 grams of some psychedelic mushrooms and to this day I am still not sure if I have finished tripping. Yesterday I was on my bed and out of no where I was in a intesne shroom trip again and it scared the shit out of me. It was like this for about an hour or so. The walls were breathing, and shit was starting to sound really deep. This morning my bed was floating in the air! I am thinking about taking myself under for Evaluation over at the hospital. Please help me
Its not a normal thing cause i get the shroom high too and ive done shrooms about 11 times that I can rememer all in about a 5 month span. Whats going on with me? Before I ate 10 g's of shrooms the highest I ever consumed was 5.

Trippy Mayne

New Member
It's because the frequncey and the amount you used in the last 5 months. 11 trips in 5 months is quite excessive then agian there are user's who trip almost every week... Samething used to happen to me when I did Acid alot. I would take about 1 tab one day and then 2 the next and then once I took 3 I had severe flashbacks for about a week or so. I've done Acid over 50 times and I still sometimes snap into a trip. Mainly there induced by smoking weed (As strange as it sounds it's true) and then sometimes it just hits you like you said when you were sitting on your bed. I went into a trip while riding a roller coaster at Kings Dominon and thought I was going into space. It petrified me. I pissed my pants and it was extremley embarrasing. Nothing to worrie about dude just cut down on how often u trip and you'll be fine. I personally like flashbacks they remind me of my recent trips...


Active Member
It's gonna take some time man. Call it a tolerance break if you want, but it's time to take a break and detox. Try to eat well and maybe get some cardio if you can. Outside cardio in nature if possible can help work it out of your system and get your mind grounded again. If you're still flashing back, stay indoors and stay safe until it's over. Going to a medical doctor is iffy because their view of the topic may cause them to do things that could make the problem worse. But if you feel your health is in danger, find a Doc. Maybe better than that would be one or more good friends who can prove they are good friends by being there for you in this time.

Good luck.

I was one of those people who believed that flashbacks were a myth until it happened to me from shrooms just a few months ago, as I've reported here before. So I know what you are reporting can happen. Be safe

Trippy Mayne

New Member
It's gonna take some time man. Call it a tolerance break if you want, but it's time to take a break and detox. Try to eat well and maybe get some cardio if you can. Outside cardio in nature if possible can help work it out of your system and get your mind grounded again. If you're still flashing back, stay indoors and stay safe until it's over. Going to a medical doctor is iffy because their view of the topic may cause them to do things that could make the problem worse. But if you feel your health is in danger, find a Doc. Maybe better than that would be one or more good friends who can prove they are good friends by being there for you in this time.

Good luck.

I was one of those people who believed that flashbacks were a myth until it happened to me from shrooms just a few months ago, as I've reported here before. So I know what you are reporting can happen. Be safe
I was the same way until I woke up and was like wait a second.... I'm tripping balls and I didn't take a tab today?


Active Member
I was living with flashbacks for about a year in high school, but I just seemed to get use to it, It still sticks to me every now and then. Weed is always fun but if your having flashbacks weed may not help & did not help me (every ones different though). Just try to enjoy the free trip (That may not always be easy) & know a rule about psychdelics * Everyone comes down eventually (one way or anouther).


Well-Known Member
Just time.
We used to call flashbacks "bonuses".

In my case I mixed some type of speed acid with a desoxyn. Tripped HARD for a month. And then it went away. Slowly. Bits at a time. Took about a full year to recover.


Well-Known Member
It's because the frequncey and the amount you used in the last 5 months. 11 trips in 5 months is quite excessive then agian there are user's who trip almost every week... Samething used to happen to me when I did Acid alot. I would take about 1 tab one day and then 2 the next and then once I took 3 I had severe flashbacks for about a week or so. I've done Acid over 50 times and I still sometimes snap into a trip. Mainly there induced by smoking weed (As strange as it sounds it's true) and then sometimes it just hits you like you said when you were sitting on your bed. I went into a trip while riding a roller coaster at Kings Dominon and thought I was going into space. It petrified me. I pissed my pants and it was extremley embarrasing. Nothing to worrie about dude just cut down on how often u trip and you'll be fine. I personally like flashbacks they remind me of my recent trips...
Actually crying with laughter lmao !!

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Just time.
We used to call flashbacks "bonuses".

In my case I mixed some type of speed acid with a desoxyn. Tripped HARD for a month. And then it went away. Slowly. Bits at a time. Took about a full year to recover.
Whats a desoxyn and you were in a endless trip for a month?


Well-Known Member
Whats a desoxyn and you were in a endless trip for a month?

sorry, couldn't resist.


Oxymoron alert.
"endless trip for a month"

I came down after a month, the trails faded, the synsthesia went away, the drain bamage eased off, the spoonerisms (JFGI) went from 10 an hour to 1 a day. I still burned out for another month, was hazy. The spoonerisms took a full year to go away.

I stayed out of high school for 2 months, did no work, and was way too far behind to catch up.

Good thing I got caught with a bit of pot and was sent to an alternative school at that point.


Well-Known Member
Damn I didn't know they made pills that contained Methamphetamines.
Ahh, the good old days when tiny housewives would go to the doctor and complain of being overweight (maybe 10 lbs), and they'd whip out a prescription for meth. Yup, my mom had her supply, which became mine.