Need help!Growing indoor (ex outdoor for 1 week) Instructions and cure


Active Member
ok my plant was outside for bout a week bcuz i was letting it get some sun but i leave it out there at night too nad now 80% of it is shribbled and yellow and edges are curling,all that stuff,even 1 leaf is falling off, but the stem looks real healthy still, its standing up straight and is real green and not yellow,so basically i need to know if i can cure it ,and if theres any way i can cure it without having to go to the get food and stuff for it, cuz no1 knows about it...anyways i need to know how i can cure it and how to take care of it inside my room?
btw i dnt get all tht nitrogen or oxide stuff so if i need any of that sort of thing could you plz explain what it really is...
one more thing..could i put it under any light thts warm or does it have to be a certain tempature?:leaf: