NEED HELP ...---...I have 2 plants 8" tall with 11 nodes but the secondary


NEED HELP ...---...I have 2 plants 8" tall with 11 nodes but the secondary are Now beginning to getta alot of the stem and leaf growth in maybe a 1/2" long now. My ? Is when should I change to 12/12? My plants are in veg now for 5 weeks now. Any feed back will be appreciated thanks! I just started using peres 15/30/15 frets also. I have 2 100w cfl's and 2 23w cfl's.


I'm also lst'ing one of them, since imma newb I hope to get some professional advice! Thanks to anyone who offers theirs ideas bout this!


Well-Known Member
Myself,personally would top em both and get some more internodal growth,take some cutting's.She still has some growing to go though so its all you man.Wish ya had a pic or two but I know how it is sometimes.Good luck.


I'll get some pics up man. I'm also wanting to clone these girls! They are 2 diff strains of very good bag seed. I will get my wife can an take some pics though. Thanks for your advice brother!


I'm getting ready to get some pics up here now! And again gentlemen ya'lls help raising my daughters is very much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
They/She looks happy.Hang up that flowering idea and pull up a chair,they need to be topped and left in veg a couple of more weeks.You'll be alot happier man.Are ya sure about there sex?Sup with that string?You know you can fix that the right way,,,,Fans,Fans,Fans.There leaves should never stop waving.I'm just getting started bud.All this shit can be fixed though man.Right now its a hobby and your gonna save yourself some money on Bud.There are Yoda's everywhere in here and so many old threads ya can learn from too.Hit me up if ya run into anything,Peace and Welcome To Rollitup.


I have a 24hr fani in there constantly; and they are female I flower for 2 days as soon as I seen 2 lil white pistels I put back on 18/6, you think that was a boboo or not


Well-Known Member
I have a 24hr fani in there constantly; and they are female I flower for 2 days as soon as I seen 2 lil white pistels I put back on 18/6, you think that was a boboo or not
That is a little quick to show sex but the pics of that one looks like it has female preflowers so @ least youll have one.


I'm about 89% pos that the bigger one is a GIRL! If it keeps budding, what would the best course of action to take?


Give it a few more days and I'll put up some more pics, unless y'all wantem daily. Again guys and gals since this is my first grow I appreciate ya'lls help through these times and tribulations!Do y'all think that I missed it up by sexing for 3 day?


Also just over one night they both grew 1". HIPPY!!! I think in about another 7-10 days before I go into full flowering, but I want the experts advice about this. Thanks again guys/gals for the help of raising my kids!


I think it's syllable flowering under 24/0 light which brings me to a ? Should I keep trying to bed or go ahead and go to 12/12?