Need help in choosing a soil


I have a dinafem Roadrunner Autoflower that I have growing in a small black pot, right now. It is on day 10, and I am getting ready to transplant it to a much larger pot. Anyway, the soil that I am currently using is just a generic soil. What kind of soil do you guys use? why do you choose the soil that you do?


Well-Known Member
any crap i can get my hands on, preferably cheap. no reason other than ease of obtaining. my brother on the other hand buys all sorts of expensive stuff designed for growing weed( as well as all sorts of expensive root treatments, foliar sprays etc)...he has never yeilded as much as me.....most of it is just 'snake oil'.


Well-Known Member
depending if you know what your doing or just add a lot of stuff thinking its magic ..

cheap soil is great .. but I found that I then need to add lots of stuff like Nuts of course and Ca/Mg aso.
I rather do a littel work .. use half the money on stuff like bone/blood meal .. guano and Lime then on some expensiv Nuts I have no real controle over ..


I am currently giving fox farm grow big with the cheap soil that I have...I was told to not give it nutrients for a month, but I don't know how much nutrition the soil has. what kind of nutrients can I add to the soil, at this stage, to help my little auto?


Well-Known Member
You can never go wrong with good old FoxFarm. Ocean Forest or Happy frog soils are both good. It has everything you need to start seeds and feed plants for a good month, but adding nutrients never hurts. I like to add bone/blood meal and a bit of perlite to the mix.

TBH I'm not the biggest fan of their liquid nutes but I love the soil.


You can never go wrong with good old FoxFarm. Ocean Forest or Happy frog soils are both good. It has everything you need to start seeds and feed plants for a good month, but adding nutrients never hurts. I like to add bone/blood meal and a bit of perlite to the mix.

TBH I'm not the biggest fan of their liquid nutes but I love the soil.
Do you use bat guano at all?


Well-Known Member with this soil you wouldn't need to add other nutrients? how well does open sesame, and that line of nutrients work?

no thats the hole point ..

also .. with a organic soil you wont have to correct your water PH..
the soil/micro life will take care of it along with the Lime buffer ..

and the plant schould also take up the nutriens as it need it .. harder to over feed aso.

Im makeing a runn as we speak .. just made my soil mix the other day (mix it 1-2 weeks before use)

week 0-2

small cups
with a base mix of Plagron organic soil 70% (is a mix of peetmoss/Organic soil/wormcasting/perlit) and coco 30%
with a littel bit of Kelp/humid acid to help the roots ..

week 2-4

1½ gallon pots
same base mix as for my seedlings ..
blood meal for fast N. (micros as Iron/copper/zink aso)
bone meal for N. and P. (micros as Iron/copper/zink aso)
Guean for P. and some K.
Mearl (Ocan Lime) for PH buffer and trace elements
Epsom salt for sulfor and magnesium
kelp for some more K. and all the other good stuff ther help plants with repoting/roots

week 4 end pot 4 gallon ..
(will keep it in Veg. a week more to let it finds it feet before flowering at week 5)

same mixture .. but no blood meal and more Guano P and Epsom salt ..

ther is a few reasons for repoting twise ..

fist of all I read that roots will spred out in a pot .. so if you stat in the final pot it wont use 30% of the middel soil ..
if you make it build up you will have root mass in the center of the pots as your repot .. if that make any sens ?

other reason is that this is kind a my feeding ..
as it will need diffrent stuff .. fist mix is light in nutriens for seedlings .. next is high in N for Veg... and last is high in P for flowering ..


Well-Known Member
FFOF has guano in it but it never hurts to add liquid guano. I would use it but I'm not going to pay $30 for a bottle of shit, its a little overpriced lol


I got some happy frog bat guano for like 9 bucks. i mixed it in with some black gold for seedlings and worm castings....i think that should be good for now...yes?


Well-Known Member
18$ here for a kilo of powder (guano P.) NPK:2-15-2

I used it as top dressing at week 4 in flowering ... 2-3 tbs around the top before watering .. go a long way ..