Need help new grower

I am using master blend 4-18-36 my 730ppm with pea gravel as a medium. Light approximately 27in from plant 4ft LED bulbs ( with red an blue) temp between 68-79f rh jumps between 35%-64%. I had 7 plants originally one male an a few died when i tried peat moss as a medium. But they all only have three leaves. And have stopped growing. I knew i had stressed them out cause i was just getting things set up an i moved things around rearranged room an changed lights. I finally have it set up I have other plants in the room like cucumbers peas sunflowers an ivy an a small herb garden. I would appreciate any advice or suggestions i can get. my plants are in the bigger Rubbermaid container. Waiting to hear something


Well-Known Member
Pics of the setup would help a ton.

All I can say is your temps are too low for LED and the LED light you have is probably too weak to be that far away.

You want canopy temps up around 85F for LED grows.


Well-Known Member
Not to be harsh but yeah thats pretty much the worst light you could grow cannabis under. It needs to be a lot closer to the plants.

With LED you need warmer temps because LED emits no infrared light.
Pics of the setup would help a ton.

All I can say is your temps are too low for LED and the LED light you have is probably too weak to be that far away.

You want canopy temps up around 85F for LED grows.
Thanks i do appreciate it. An that is why i am just using seeds i have collected until i get it down to the correct way
Not to be harsh but yeah thats pretty much the worst light you could grow cannabis under. It needs to be a lot closer to the plants.

With LED you need warmer temps because LED emits no infrared light.
As far as led light go what would you is a better pic of lights



Well-Known Member
I have never used such a light so I can't say for 100%. If I was there I would put my PAR meter under it and tell you for sure.

For plants that young I would be gentle of course, I just think this is too gentle. Perhaps move it to say 20 inches first and see how they react, but I really think they can handle it at 16 - 18 inches when young and in flower probably like 12 inches.

Warming the temps up is critical though, we don't want intense light when the plants metabolism is lethargic.
As far as led light go what would you suggest
I would suggest a Timber or HLG Quantum board. Spyder and BC Blondes make good LED's as well. I am doing DIY lights with Luminous CXM-22 COBS to replace 1000 watt HPS lights, sorta Timber ish but less cost. If I was buying a LED today I would want a Timber myself. For now lets see what you can do with this light as you already have it and it's good enough to learn what you are doing with other aspects of LED horticulture.

What are your plans for the temperatures?

I don't know how experienced you are but always allow the soil to dry so the pot is light before watering. This prevents root rot. It's a common mistake so I thought I would mention it just in case.
Pics of the setup would help a ton.

All I can say is your temps are too low for LED and the LED light you have is probably too weak to be that far away.

You want canopy temps up around 85F for LED grows.
Thanks i do appreciate it. An that is why i am just using seeds i have collected until i get it down to the correct way
I have never used such a light so I can't say for 100%. If I was there I would put my PAR meter under it and tell you for sure.

For plants that young I would be gentle of course, I just think this is too gentle. Perhaps move it to say 20 inches first and see how they react, but I really think they can handle it at 16 - 18 inches when young and in flower probably like 12 inches.

Warming the temps up is critical though, we don't want intense light when the plants metabolism is lethargic.

I would suggest a Timber or HLG Quantum board. Spyder and BC Blondes make good LED's as well. I am doing DIY lights with Luminous CXM-22 COBS to replace 1000 watt HPS lights, sorta Timber ish but less cost. If I was buying a LED today I would want a Timber myself. For now lets see what you can do with this light as you already have it and it's good enough to learn what you are doing with other aspects of LED horticulture.

What are your plans for the temperatures?

I don't know how experienced you are but always allow the soil to dry so the pot is light before watering. This prevents root rot. It's a common mistake so I thought I would mention it just in case.
Im no experienced at all this is my first grow that why i just using seeds i have collected. Before i get good one. Kinda a practice trial an error As haf as my heat i have a electric heater i can turn up temp. I also have 38 watt floweresent blubs i can put in instead of the led bulbs.


Like i said i have now experience with cannabis it my first grow. An im try deepwater culture. Hydroponics. Now i think about what u said bout light distance. Before i rearranged room for last time is when they stopped grownin
What ur thought on masterblend 4 18 36. An whats best way to add potassium (i been adding banana peal juice. It what internet said) an far as co2 i have a co2 booster to add in water