need help on how to get my stem thicker


Active Member
i have a plant its about 7 to 8 inches and its starting to fall over i have a bit of string holding it up i need my stem to thikin so it holds itself up this is my first time growing a plant so dont know very much about it can any 1 help me ? fae WeEd :joint:


Well-Known Member
use something to hold up the stem temporary, then inbetween nodes lightly squish the stem between your fingers.. just enough to make your fingers wreak of chronic. try not to crush them real bad, but chances are you wont just accidently crush them open. after a few days it will strengthen like a firm oak living in the windy hills of montana.


Well-Known Member
Both of the above posts are the thing you want to do. Doing those two things will get you the desired results.


Well-Known Member
thanks and yeah im using a normal light bulb wat is the best bulb for ma to use ???
A regurlar light bulb doesn't put out enough light to have a succesfull grow. Most of the energy is emitted as heat and not light. Your plant is stretching because it is trying to get to the light because it isn't getting enough light. Get a CFL (compact fluorescent light). You can get these anywhere and they screw into your normal light socket. Put it about 2 inches away from the plant. If you have the rescources, get 2 or three and you will have a successfull grow. A regular incandescent light bulb will only get you enough bud to last a day or two if the plant even lives. As for holding the plant up you can cut a drinking straw lenghtways and put it around the stem. You can also try the pinching that was mentioned earlier. Good luck:peace: .


Elite Rolling Society
Read up on Spiral CFLs, COMPACT FLOURSCENT LIGHTS. $10.68 at Lowes for 42 watts plus you ened the $8 reflector and light socket with the clamp. Get 4 bulbs, two cool white or soft white and 2 BRIGHT lights.
You also need some of the minor nutrients, like magnesium.

Kingdom Sky

Active Member
Yo WeEd those tips about crushing / fanning aren't really gonna help you since your biggest problem is that you're just using one standard house bulb. Having enough light is SO important that most of your problems will disappear if you give your baby enough light. It really doesn't matter what you do if you don't solve THAT problem first.