Need help please..


Well-Known Member
So I'm growing a couple ak47s and a couple strains I made with pineapple chunk, mother, and ak47, father/hermi. Theyre all in coco perlite 70/30, 2.5 weeks old, under a 600wattMH and 400wattHPS, been feeding them RO water with cns17 grow, nitrogen support and cal/mag, recommendEd doses, PHED to5.5 in beginning but now doing about 5.8, watering about every other to third day, co2 at a constant 1500ppm, temp is at around 77`, RH is around 40% to 60%, bounces around with the AC unit. My leaves are discolored and some have spots, the other AK47 has taco leaves forming, they all seem to be growing pretty good despite these problems. Does anyone have any advise on what I can do to make my babies more healthy? Or why they are having the's spots and taco leaves?



Well-Known Member
I was thinking I need to feed em more, I only used this mix on one plant before and it turned out pretty good, I usually grow soil. The lights are about two feet away..


Well-Known Member
I know it looks dark in the pics but it's bright as hell in there, I will be moving them closer now that they're bigger, down to a foot and a half. Also they are under 24 hours of light while I veg em out for three weeks..


So I'm growing a couple ak47s and a couple strains I made with pineapple chunk, mother, and ak47, father/hermi. Theyre all in coco perlite 70/30, 2.5 weeks old, under a 600wattMH and 400wattHPS, been feeding them RO water with cns17 grow, nitrogen support and cal/mag, recommendEd doses, PHED to5.5 in beginning but now doing about 5.8, watering about every other to third day, co2 at a constant 1500ppm, temp is at around 77`, RH is around 40% to 60%, bounces around with the AC unit. My leaves are discolored and some have spots, the other AK47 has taco leaves forming, they all seem to be growing pretty good despite these problems. Does anyone have any advise on what I can do to make my babies more healthy? Or why they are having the's spots and taco leaves?
Hi man

The leafs curling at the edges looks very much like the plant is getting heat burn - your photos show the classics of the plant being to hot.


Well-Known Member
My avatar is the last one I grew in coco perlite mix, I water and fed it just like my soiled girls with double the nutes though. I've heard water them when the coco starts to dry out on top, also heard people say they water theis twice a day, these I just wait till they just barely start to get dry on top of mix.


Well-Known Member
Hi man

The leafs curling at the edges looks very much like the plant is getting heat burn - your photos show the classics of the plant being to hot.
It's weird though cause that's what I always thought to but it's nice and cool in the room, right at 77 in shade at canopy height.