Need help quick!!! My seedlings need help!


alright I got them closer to the lights. the healthiest looking one is the closest and its approximately 1.5-2.0 inches from the lights. hopefully i'll get something from all this work. Even though I'm a noob, I still want to be successful with my first grow or at least reach to completion so that my next grow can be with better equipment/soil/nutes. any other input on what seems to be wrong with my plants and ways to help it? do you think I may need to flush my plants?


Well-Known Member
Don't flush, and don't panic.
Just give them as much light as possible, and don't feed until they are about 3 weeks old, and even then, not full strength on your label for the first couple feeds.


thought i'd update you a bit more. the healthiest looking plant i put near the lights is growing now at an alarming rate. so i think if i follow the same suit for the other plants then i will be out of the danger zone. the other plants havent changed much but i have put them on the same level as the other healthy plant.IMG_0332.jpg


update for you guys. i now have 3 plants instead of 4. the fourth one died :( I was gone all day till now since i've been studying...its 4 am right now and i left early in the morning at 9 am. and when i came back i found her dead. but what happened was that one of the light bulb sockets came loose and fell on top of one of the plants cus my clumsy roommate who knows nothing about growing, yet wants to check up on the plants, was too rough with the power strip. apparently it fell on the plant and he didnt notice until he checked it again. (i'm gonna talk to him about it tomorrow about staying away from my babies). i'm pissed, but life moves on. starting to germinate 2 more seeds at the moment and i will go gather more materials like lights. and i also wanna try the rubbermaid grow box and see if it gives a better yield than when it is grown in the closet.


however, on a more positive note, the healthiest looking plant is growing at a rapid rate so i'm extremely happy about its health. that plant is followed by the second healthiest plant. the third one is still a work in progress


as you can see they're definitely looking healthy. one of them is growing all retarded like, but to be fair, it HAS been through alot of crap [i'm willing to admit that]. but yeah the color is definitely nicer