Need help to make room please

Hello everyone i am making a sealed grow room and i am having trouble making sure i have everything i need for the plants to thrive. Please if you can give any advice to help me make my grow better i would really appreciate it.

My room is 10.5x11
4 1000 watt hps bulbs air cooled with a 440cfm inline from another room to outside
i am going to use a 48 pot site ebb and grow hydro system 12 plants under each light
i am going to be scrubbing the air with a carbon filter
the whole room is covered in that reflective bubble insulation
i am going to have a CAP GEN-1eNG Natural Gas 4-Burner Electronic CO2 generator
the room is going to be cooled with a 24,000 btu mini split air conditioning
my water res is also going to have a chiller to keep the water temp down
i am going to get a dehumidifier but i dont know witch one to get because i need one that can drain out the water through a pipe or something so i dont have to do it by hand that being because i wont be able to reach it when the plants are matured the entire room is going to be full except the back left where my closet was and the dehumidifier is going to be in there any suggestions?
I picked up the top of the line sears model, it pumps the water tank out when it's full, comes with a wireless info panel as well