need help with Lighting change


Active Member
have my plant under 3 42 watt cfls, and she is doing pretty good, but i have a 400 watt metal halide also. my question is, can i put her under the big light now, and still bud her with the 400, or is it better to leave her under the cfls for the veg, then change to the 400? this is her now


Well-Known Member
now is the time. you actually couldve done it a week ago. do some research though. youll look alot cooler when you dont have to ask these dumb fucking questions.


Active Member
ignorance is bliss, and i have done some research, most of which says that i should have a higher power light in the bud phase, so it doesnt seem "like a dumb fucking question" to ask, if i should go against that now


Well-Known Member
u definetely sound cool though, with a 400 watter you dont even know how or when to use. no different then the toolbag who has 2 1000 watters who isnt sure when to switch over.


Well-Known Member
also, yeah youre right, plants dont like alot of light when they are vegging. they like minimal light so that they can grow slow as balls. that research you got there is from back in the day. noob. grow some balls.


Active Member
most people who smoke pot or grow it, are not "assholes", but there is a category of ppl that use pot, and actually depend on it, and they are assholes, and are rude, and have no concept of general kindness, and they lose themselves to their need, to be an asshole


Well-Known Member
LOL what a dink.... you should be using the MH from the get go ;) the more light the bigger and stronger your plant is....... if you can get a HPS... they have a red spectrum and it's used more for the flowering stage.... MH for Veg, HPS for flower... if you in the FAQ's here ;) it'll tell ya...


Well-Known Member
come on... just because i dont have a crusty ass, hoodless grill with a bunch of dirty cushions that should be on the wicker but they cant be because your sorry little plant is on it because you have to pull it out of a 12 inch speaker box with a computer fan for ventilation, ur right, i shouldnt break your balls. im not addicted to pot. matter of fact, i havent had any reefer in a while(abt a month). i am usually a pretty mellow dude, i just like to fuck with people like you sometimes. its times like these when i pride myself on being an asshole...
by the way, i hope your 1 plant is a male. lol. it probably will be cuz you take pictures of it every week just to ask us how it fucking looks.


Active Member
well the box was when it was smaller, i put i in the sunlight everyday, and the cfls save me energy, as opposed to having a 4oo watt mh burning for 24 hours a day, i was thinking that as it got closer to budding i could start using it in the veg, but since you an asshole nvm


Well-Known Member
u dont need 24 hours of light anymore. for real, put that thing under the metal halide, for 16 hours on 8 off. less light on with the metal halide will help the cause for producing a female. its kind of late in the year for outdoors dude.. keep it in the shitty box with the 400, get some more fan power to keep it cooler and get it on that light schedule asap.... flower in 2 or 3 weeks and keep your fucking mom out of
there and off of here(i appreciate that). us americans like hot broads. good luck and use google girlfriend.