Need help with training situation


Active Member
Hello, I am growing 3 Papaya Female seeds 12/12 from seed under a 250 HPS in a cooltube in a dresser.
I have 12" from the soil line to the bottom of the cool tube, I can hold my hand onto my cool tube without burning it but it still feels warm right under where the bulb is.
I was hoping doing 12/12 from seed would keep them short and grow one main bud, but im starting to think they are going to get too big before finishing... I have grown plants with tieing them down before "LST" and it worked ok but never in a situation like this.
Could I please get some advice on what course of action to take with these plants, I am thinking of tieing them around the edge of the pot and once budding starts it should be ok...

Thank you!

P.S This is Day 12



If your at 12/12 right now you should be fine. I don't thing they will get to big.But as always it depends on the strain.

Generally speaking the plants slow down their growth after the first 3 weeks of flowering.

Just keep an eye on it and tie down as needed. You can train a garden in to all kinds of crazy shapes.:-)

hope that helps
