Need Help


Well-Known Member
Yeah, clubs are fun when rolling. I've been with a few people that get uncomfortable because of all the drunks. But I enjoy the loud environment on molly.

Tenner- I wouldn't do that if you had to do classwork or anything. It's always best to have fun on it. Molly is for having a great time IMO.

Although, I did stay up an entire night on it once, pressure cooking 200 PF jars. =P
Yea but still, I mean its structually similar to meth and thats pretty good to get things done.

Not speaking about any euphoria, just like a good dose of caffeine that really hits that spot.

Just wondering anyway, I would sacrifice 100mg of mdma for say, 3-4 study sessions if it works the way I think it does?

I might just try it anyway :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, go for it! It might make the studying more enjoyable! It's just something I've never tried. Think I was out of school by the time I tried X. And I'm an idiot that never went to college. It doesn't seem to harm short term memory on a small dose, so you should remember everything you study.

Let us know how it goes :D

NOLING- not sure if it's true for everyone, but certainly for me! It was one of the best nights of my life! Ate 1.5 little white hearts (when pressed pills were awesome), and was FLYING for at least 8 hours. Was with my best friends, great music.... It was just wonderful. We shared every emotion.... went to walmart at like 4 AM with joker hats and glow sticks everywhere... too much fun. Anyone that is about to have their first experience with it, I suggest preparing in advance to make it perfect. Like you're planning a wedding haha.


I know for a fact I couldnt get it up at all and 3 of the people with me denied sex with their girls bc of the same reason.

We just settled on the fact that it was a mystery bag and one hell of a combo at that. Very little blow, some meth, maybe some 2cp (effects lasted nearly 20 hours) and some other mind blowing chemicals we cant ID. lol


Well-Known Member
I did ask someone for it in the past, I would tan a line if I could get one on a special occasion :) I have a feeling the girl has to be on it too though ;)

I do have some molly at the moment. I do want to take some, its itching me but I`m not going to after I treated myself to a midweek Lucy trip :D

But I came up with an idea today and was wondering, mabye I`ll make a seperate thread, but say you get students studying on Adderall and other amphetamines, what if I were to take a tiny dose of Molly? Say make it as small as this action requires, threshold? Does anyone think it would help my focus or at least stop me yawning whilist revising? :D
It will more likely distract you, even in small doses.


Well-Known Member
It will more likely distract you, even in small doses.
I am going to try it nevertheless, have a pair of scales too. I mean it is a stimulant like caffeine in its core, has an effect of releasing shitloads of happines chemicals in the brain and making people talkative.

So say, any dose ideas here for me to try? 70 kg individual? 20mg? 30mg? Thinking those ranges...

And if it makes me talkative I can just read my physics or maths out loud ;)


Well-Known Member
This is totally hijacking the thread, but I`m gonna try 0.03g of mdma for revision purposes tonight. Planning on having a cup of coffee and getting started for an hour, after the first hour of revision (when im in the spirits that is) taking my mdma and hopefully see pozitive effects after another hour during revision.

I think the placebo effect would get me going anyway ;)

If its worthwile I`ll make a new post on it about the uses of it in small doses. Please don`t tell me this is a waste or to study without, lets just see how it goes :)

Peace everyone!

Edit: I`m weighing it to the nearest 10mg so thats +-5mg, must be taking 25mg or 35 mg, will get back in about 3 hours :)


Well-Known Member
Enjoy Tenner, let us know how it goes!
It all... happned really suddenly! Bombed the 35mg down and got an invite to a fire spin/leaving hose party, gave me all the inspiration to bomb another 35mg after 30min!

Bit of a letdown where studying was concerned, but I would say mdma wouldn`t work for studying, it has too much of an explosive efffect on the mood :) What a baby Molly is!!

Learnt my manners not to redose, had a very pleasant social roll at that mini amount, no jaw clenching either, great alltogether! Its utterly lovely at small doses I found at though :) Just don`t be greedy! :)

Peace and pineapples!


Active Member
mdma was the best roll EVER!! i droped 3 double hits my frst time and i was at detroits movement fest in downtown " by the way movement is a giant techno rave concert in one" its was the best the lights, the music, and the atmosphere was just amazing the roll was crazy it was clean and none of the side effects like E usually gives you i would deffantly recomend it .


Well-Known Member
mdma was the best roll EVER!! i droped 3 double hits my frst time and i was at detroits movement fest in downtown " by the way movement is a giant techno rave concert in one" its was the best the lights, the music, and the atmosphere was just amazing the roll was crazy it was clean and none of the side effects like E usually gives you i would deffantly recomend it .
Hehe around the 9th of june when semester ends I`m going big with the mdma or lower with some lsd, haven`t decided yet ;)