need help


Active Member
hi every1.. i jsut started growing plants..have never tried it b4.. and well.. i got a small pot and put a buncha of seeds in it.. and i have 7 of them that popped up.. only problem is.. they are growing really close togethr.. they are only about 8 inches tall right now..

my question is am i gonna be able to let them grow so close together? is it gonna hurt the plants?


Well-Known Member
NOT GOOD! Sorry to be the one to tell ya but thats way too many plants in one pot, u might get away with 2 but 1 per pot is really the only way to go, and at 8 inches tall, the roots will be entangled so you cant seperate them without causing damage to the roots. Next time, 1 per pot


Active Member
do you think they will continue to grow? i mean they have grown this far..
all i have is a 14" by 14" by 3 ft box.. lined with aluminum foil.. with a lamp facing inside with a 60watt light bulb.. and they have grown this much


Well-Known Member
60 watts of compact flurescent, incadescent, high pressure sodium, metal halide, etc, etc....that's what i mean! u deff need more light. the plants are streched like ivy...sorry


Active Member
oh well its just a regular house light bulb.. haha..
so incadescent i guess?? idk
so if i give em more light it could help em? im jsut scared of giving them too much light
if if i was to grow say white widow in 8x5 foot closet just one or up to four depeanding on the first outcome with a 250 hps light what kind of odor controll would i need no ventalshen, a ozone generator, or carbon air filter,or just some odor gel??? can not use ventalshen at this time thats the last option but tell me any way i wont need odor controll for one plant (WW) huh? may be not even 4 huh am not like high times yet!!!


Well-Known Member
No it won't hurt the plants,but they will try to compete for space. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member, no such think as too much light :| this incadescent bulb is the shit!!! if u have other seeds, i suggest u to start all over. buy 6-8 cfl bulbs(cool light/daylight 6500k) for veg state and 2700k for the flowering. u deff dun have enough light man.....also u shouldn't use that tin can harm ur's designed for baking...not for reflecting light. use white paint for light reflection...just paint the walls with it......much much better from the foil!!! u should put a fan blowin on the plants to develop thick stems! any questions...ask em here. Cheers!!!


Active Member
alright.. i appreciate the help man.. ive got only one growing in another pot.. so i guess i will try with it and see what happens.. do you think i would be able to save these plants i have? like will they possibly keep growing and bud? or?


Well-Known Member
i dunno if ur be able to transplant them in separate pots man...u can try...... i higly doubt that u'll goin to succseed with the separating in own pots,


Well-Known Member
try not to break the main root man....dig em with a spoon or some kinda shit.....water them immediately after the repot....
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