need info for honey oil


Well-Known Member
Please somone point me to a link, a good link with step by step instructions on making the extractor and the oil. much thanks


Well-Known Member
I'll save you the time, trials, and realization, if you want to take a few seconds to listen. Butane is not a clean solvent to use to extract your medicine. You will be much better off learning solventless extraction, and starting with good material. Bubble Hash, in my opinion, is far cleaner and superior to oils. There isn't too much of a difference in 55% and 80% thc....either way, it's sufficient to say the least. Just my .02 though. There are many videos on youtube, just type in BHO extraction. I would recommend buying a glass extraction tube, they are around $40 on ebay.


Well-Known Member
well i have never tried any kind of extract so i just want to try it really,. i have some very good trimmings, no shade leaves and small bud. does the homedade honey bee work? with the coffee filters rubber banned on one end of the pipe ? how good is the product ?


Active Member
I'll save you the time, trials, and realization, if you want to take a few seconds to listen. Butane is not a clean solvent to use to extract your medicine. You will be much better off learning solventless extraction, and starting with good material. Bubble Hash, in my opinion, is far cleaner and superior to oils. There isn't too much of a difference in 55% and 80% thc....either way, it's sufficient to say the least. Just my .02 though. There are many videos on youtube, just type in BHO extraction. I would recommend buying a glass extraction tube, they are around $40 on ebay.

butane is a very safe and excelent solvent.. YOU just need to learn how to use it safely and re-extract the butane back out... a proper oil should have no butane in the final product.

that being said butane is very very safe and even poorly made oil will have less butane in it than a "bowl hit" using a lighter.


Well-Known Member
im very familiar with butane, used to make my own pipes with glass. anyway im gonna look into your thing to see what i can come up with , then if i have questions i guess ill come back lol


Well-Known Member
i have a perfect tek in the concentrations thread.... no one makes better oil than me
No one, really? :shock:

Just made up a batch last night with 2oz of fine Blueberry Gum, got just over 4g. Look up ISO extractions by _Oakley_, This is the method I use and get great results.

I'm off to find the ctwalrus technique for the best oil :wink:



Well-Known Member
this is getting fucking old fast, i so tired of searching on this slow ass pc only 2gigs of memory. sooooo no one has any info out of all the fuckers that make this shit after every trim


Well-Known Member
If you want a quick, easy, cheap way to make some oil, just use the Iso method.

Put your trim in a jar, pour in isopropyl alcohol until it covers your trim. Shake the shit out of it for about 20 seconds, let stand about 5 minutes, shake it again for 20 seconds. Do that 4 or 5 times. Pour it out through your coffee filter into glass pan. Wring the coffee filter to get all the goodness out of it. Put glass pan on oven eye (not flame) on very low temperature (2.5 works for me) and let the alcohol slowly burn off. Scrap it off the glass with a razorblade. Sprinkle a little shake on it, flip it over, sprinkle a little more shake on it. Smoke it up.


Well-Known Member
If you must use butane, use vector, or something that is purified.
Bubble hash tastes better to me. I gave up on butane oil.


Well-Known Member
use dry trim that has been ground suitable for rolling a joint, blow the tane through the glass extractor with a couple coffe filters on it into a pyrex jar outside. use about 1/2 oz trim to 1 can tane. Put the pyrex in a warm water bath to speed up evaporation on the tane. After the bubbles are stable at the warm temp start to scrape all the oil together and whip air into it to increase the surface area of which for the tane to escape. At this point I scrape it all together transfer it to a nonstick bowl and put it into a vacuum chamber for 3-4 hours with another warm water bath. This will give u shatter... If u dont have a vac pump/chamber just keep whipping as much air as u can into it untill ur arm is beat. It will smoke ok now. For a further purge use the sun. A few days in the sun can do wonders to turn oil into a soft shatter.


Well-Known Member
i ran 2 batches through a 1inch pvc, 8 inches long. double layer of filters on end, came ok i guess, i did whip a lil but not to much, i have it in the freezer, idk where els to put it. it stickes to everything and freezing it makes it handleable. all the weed used was pure ground bud. i hope it its good shit, i aint tried any yet