Need Information plz help


Active Member
im planning on doing a large scale grow in hydro using hps in a co2 rich enviroment my goal is for yield and potency and ive never messed with co2 before and ive never done something this large of a scale before and instead of wasting a whole lot of time getting specifics from various people iwas needing a referal for a book that would teach me what i need to know and go into the intracasies of maintaining a large garden in a co2 rich enviroment hydroponiclally and a referal for a good nutrient to use in such a large system that would be easy to maintain thanx in advance


Well-Known Member
a good book to start with is Jorge Cervantes' Indoor/Outdoor marijuana horticulture bible. read it front to back a couple time and you will have it down. how big of space are you trying to work with?


Active Member
or if anybodies got any advice on maintaining a co2 enviroment in a 6x8 space 36 plants in each room let me know


Well-Known Member
are you going to do a sea of green with indicas? cause that space with that many plants would be really really really cramped.


Active Member
i dont know anything about co2 thatas what i want to know ive looked all over this site searching since i originally posted this thread and found no conclusive tutorial teaching of co2 methods ventilation or anything involving c02 ive already invested a good amount of money in the project and im not gonna put all that in there and not take advantage of co2 benefits i need to ask an experienced person who has done it and aint gonna feed me a bunch of bullshit about fish tanks and yeast pop bottles i wanna do it right and i need to know about the best ways to ventilate and disperse c02 into the area to acheive the best results i dont wanna do it half ass anyway if a grower out there knows the answer to this

i need to know how to set up a co2 ventilation system the room is debatable because it can change before the start it will be adapted to the space given to work the way i grow but in a 12 x12 average room my gow will be 6x8 dividing in two rooms to be run offset but the number of plants will be adapted to floorspace given i just need to run a c02 system through bothh rooms side by side i know nothing about anything involving c02 so good advice is welcome if you dont know what you are talking about i ask you to kindly not try to give me advice on the subject

to those that may help me thank you


Well-Known Member
your soundin kinda like a dick man. i asked you the first question to try to help you. but you never answered. good luck man. figure it out.


Active Member
i apologize for sounding like a dick in this thread. billybob you have offended me in no way i just had to vent and im sorry if i offended you i just want a straight answer and everybodys half ass ideas arent what im looking for