Need More Light


Active Member
Hey all, I have a couple questions regarding my light situation. I have only one plant, (clone but unknown strain, possibly white widow). At the moment my plant is about 3.5 ft...I know big. Its day 24 flowering and the main cola is out-growing all my other branches causing me to raise the light everday to the point that lower branches are recieving little light. I have a 150 watt hps about 3 in from the top cola without any burns. Room temp is about 75 average. I just ordered another 150watt hps that will hang vertically. My question is how much will this help? Will this be sufficient enought to reach my lower bud sights. i also plan on putting a couple t5's for side lighting. Will putting more lighting 3 weeks into flowering effect my plant/yield/health?? Any response is welcome. Im a newbie so please help:-o


Active Member
Also some of my leaves seem to be twisting somewhat. No discoloring or burning but a few smaller leavs are looking midly "warped". Could this be related to the insufficeint amount of light??