Need opinions, New House, growing oppertunity...


Active Member
Hey guys im pretty new to growing, and need some opinions.
I recently moved into a house with other renters renting out rooms throughout the house. I found a spot that looks almost perfect to grow in. It is a tall crawlspace in the attic that only I have access to. Im dont want to get rich off it or even plan to sell it, i just want some bud i can call my own :mrgreen:, maybe throw some at my friends. 4 plants max is what i want to grow using a hydro setup. i know its costly but im stuck on hydro and ive decided thats what i want.
Im going to make a box that goes from 2'10" tall (where i plan to put the pump and resivor) to 4'10" tall, 7' long and 1'10" wide. im going to seal it with caucking, paint it white (im going to put reflective material in as well) and throw a good ventilation system in. i want to keep the smell close to zero, (i dont want the others know so i dont get jacked) i was thinking CARBONAIRE 4 INCH by Eco Plus. with 2.5" abs pipe or 3" which ever will fit between the walls leading down to the open air crawl space under the house (the crawlspace doesnt have any vent, i checked, and dont want to put one in, 1: its not my house and 2: no one else in the neighborhood has a vent on their roof, i dont want to make it look suspicious with neighbors driving by looking at me put in a vent). as for a fan that will get the air out and still enough incomming air, is undecided... i want to use led's as the grow lights, to be exact->( LED Grow Light 45 watt: Express Light Bulbs ), if not the led's i was looking at something like NEW WAVE T5 44 - 2 FT (4 LAMP) but not sure if thats enough light(maybe 2 of them would be better or a 4 ft unit). zero smell is a biggie... power isnt as much of an issue but dont want to jack the bill up too high lol. i made drawl outs on excel if any one wants to take a look at them. since im new to this, i orderd a book by mel thomas which was reccomended to me. any opinions guys... thanks for your time,muchly appreciated, GasperT.
I think i forgot to mention a few things, ill post a followup later on, Thanks again


Active Member
Oh I just remembered, the noise level, i need it to be low also, though im not sure if it can be possible with the fan having to blow down the side of a wall threw a pipe,any ideas? Thanks a bunch, GasperT


Well-Known Member
sounds like a not too good spot to grow...Lots of people , someone will catch on . with it being the smell, or the sound, or even the electric. I would hold off and maybe find an apt of your own ..


Active Member
i mean its not that i dont trust them, its that i dont know them fully yet, they seem like chill people, i jus dont want the house to reak of bud