
Well-Known Member
I have a few plants in the back corner of my yard, and I need help keep other people out of my shit. =)

Bro has camera in Europe atm so can't get pics for couple days but here is a diagram. =)

The neighbors that they are closest to are old and don't give a shit, that side of the fence is completely covered. The thing I am worried about is from behind. Behind me is a farm, but a few people walk behind the fence for walks and stuff with their dogs.

I need trap ideas and shit, currently only have barbed wire on top of fence.


Well-Known Member
traps ?????????? are you nuts you want to go to jail and get sued ? wtf dude? hide them !!!!! traps come on.


Well-Known Member
If they are in my yard there is no problem. There will be a small sign at my gate saying enter at your own risk.

If someone looses their leg they can fuck ryte off...teaches them a lesson.

As long a there is a warning that there is something dangerous in your yard then nothing can happen to you.

Perhaps I should get a 12 gauge and say trespassers will be shot..ahahahahha


Well-Known Member
Alright before you go blowing peoples limbs off maybe you should just add some more fencing so it is totally surrounded.


Well-Known Member
You can only see the plant for about 2ft, as its a little bushy behind my fence, but it is open on the other side of the fence where my plants are.


Well-Known Member
also...lose the barbed wire. it just makes people think theres something behind the fence that they are not supposed to see. What do people do when there not supposed to? They do it anyways and look at your plants.


Well-Known Member
if someone gets injured or killed by a trap at your home you are liable and will go to jail and be sued for wrongful death .. read about the law . you can talk all that tough guy "its my yard" crap but read up and youll find that traps set for human beings is illegal . just build a better fence


Active Member
Hello,what I do is use infared sensor lights,they look just like motion detetor lights. It works by sensing heat,the plants can sway no problem and they cost about $20.00. I screw in the socket another socket that has a plug socket so as to plug in something that is an alarm (makes noise). I have it to my vacuum cleaner.I have five of these all around. In the mountains I make a stick connected to a toggel switch all camo,to a fish line connected to a branch in the way of both entrances. the wires go to the middel of the crop to a noise maker buzz,the buzz activates the sound activated walky talky which the other is in my living room.


Well-Known Member
Yea i would just build a four sided fenced area with a door on one side. It may look funny but not as bad as having some herb growing in plain sight.


Well-Known Member
I currently have 1 large dog (lab, husky), 1 medium (boovia), and 1 small (shitzu). But they are inside at night.

On the other hand my neighbors dogs are outside dogs and there little house is about 3 ft away from my plants on her side of the fence


Rezo - The tresnpasser shot thing will work


Well-Known Member
Mountain, do you know where I could get like a mini buzzer w/ motion censor just to make a bit of noise beside the plants to freak them out?

Know where I could get one?


Active Member
Hello,what I do is use in fared sensor lights,they look just like motion detector lights. It works by sensing heat,the plants can sway no problem and they cost about $20.00. I screw in the socket another socket that has a plug socket so as to plug in something that is an alarm (makes noise). I have it to my vacuum cleaner.I have five of these all around. In the mountains I make a stick connected to a toggle switch all camo,to a fish line connected to a branch in the way of both entrances. the wires go to the middle of the crop to a noise maker buzz,the buzz activates the sound activated walky talky which the other is in my living room.

Marie Jain

Active Member
Your alarm and trap system are about as subtle as a neon sign saying "look here!" :D

Stretch some of that fence camo up over your wire fencing, add some big posts along the way to support an additional height, leave it up through the year so it blends in.