Need SOG ideas / opinions


Well-Known Member
Ok so planning on doing a sog in a homebox l.

I was thinking about doing with 1 gallon pots and fit like 10-12 plants but than i was thinking about using 2 liters pop bottles or maybe 1 liters. I could prob fit ALOT more in there under my 600w. I was thinking the liter pop bottles would be good because they are long so the roots would have more room to grow.

So any advice from anyone about sog? Never done it personally. And what about the veg time, i know you are suppose to only veg for like a week so you get single cola plants but i was thinking what if you veg longer, trim lower growth and force a lollipop cola. That way the yield would be larger too.

I was planning with the 600w to keep it real close, like 1 - 2 ft at all time so the internode growth will be great. The temps close to the light are not an issue, got a great air cooled hood.


Well-Known Member
yeah i def need to do a sog grow. i could fit like at least 50 20 oz bottles in my area and i think that would produce more than the 8 3 gal pots i can fit in my flower room


Well-Known Member
The plants will get approx 3x bigger after you flower them. Use 3gal pots with ONE plant per. The number of plants in your box is not important (to anyone except the fuzz). What is important, is that the ones in there can grow properly. If done correctly, you will fill your grow box with bud. Done incorrectly, and you'll grow a crop of green hay.

8 (3gal) plants would probably yield 12oz dried. More plants in the same space won't yield more quantity, it will yield less quality.


Well-Known Member
The plants will get approx 3x bigger after you flower them. Use 3gal pots with ONE plant per. The number of plants in your box is not important (to anyone except the fuzz). What is important, is that the ones in there can grow properly. If done correctly, you will fill your grow box with bud. Done incorrectly, and you'll grow a crop of green hay.

8 (3gal) plants would probably yield 12oz dried. More plants in the same space won't yield more quantity, it will yield less quality.

The number of plants in your grow box is not important??? What are you talking about, its called SEA OF GREEN. Fit as MANY plants as possible. 1 Cola plants so the buds get as much light as possible.

What is important is that the ones in there can grow properly??? ORLY? WOw thanks obvious. GOD I HATE WHEN PEOPLE STATE OBVIOUS SHIT.

3 gallon pots? ARe you crazy? I would never go over a 1 gallon pot because the amount of room they take away. THIS IS A SOG QUESTION.

More plants in the same space won't yield more quantity, it will yield less quality???? OOOMMMGGGG STOP TALKING NOW PLEASE.

If done correctly, you will fill your grow box with bud. Done incorrectly, and you'll grow a crop of green hay.??? wtf

Geeeeeeeeeeeeez i hate useless post just to increase peoples post numbers.

I am not meaning to flame here but God i am so tired of all the newbs / newb info given by people.


Well-Known Member
heres an idea, delete your account and never come back? Dont pose useless info that is WRONG. Dont give opinions when you dont have a clue.