Need Some Advise/Help PLZ


Active Member
Hey every1 im new here and just wanted some opinions. so basically im an outdoor guy but im going to stick with 2 plants at a time indoor. its my 2nd in house grow. first off. as you can see in the pics. im using a box setup. (there is more space than it appears and i will expand for 2nd plant. this is just an exparament:!:) im also using a rather small container to grow. im not aiming for huge plants either. but the root system is taking advantage of every sqaure inch of soil. now i dont want anyone saying my plant wont budd :( lol that will put my down. ive seen a white widdow bud from seed in a plastic water bottle cut in half. yield was about 8 grams. lol anyways the strain is unknown. and im using 2 cfl lights 2700k each (blue spectrum light) and i have 2 other cfl's that provide red spectrum at 2700k each which i will be using for flowering. im about 1 month into growing from seedling. i must say its looking pretty healthy. not one yellow spot. i only have 10-50-10 solution right now for flower... but gave it a small dose anyways. just once. i also cannot tell the sex of the plant either just yet. but it looks too leafy to be male. sorry the pics arent too in detail. my camera doesnt wana work right now. so its my phone quality. and there is alot more light in there than it appears in the pics. so i would like some advise on what to do, how it looks, and what the sex is. plz n thank you :leaf:



Active Member
So far from what i can tell, it looks pretty decent. You didn't mention what wattage the lights are... Also you mentioned that you're using 2 cfls with 2700k, this should be higher if you're vegging, around 6000k, and you can throw on the 2700k for flowering...

How tall do you plan on letting them get? I would think you'll need bigger pots unless you flower right away, and even then, they'll go more vertical....

good luck...

Hey every1 im new here and just wanted some opinions. so basically im an outdoor guy but im going to stick with 2 plants at a time indoor. its my 2nd in house grow. first off. as you can see in the pics. im using a box setup. (there is more space than it appears and i will expand for 2nd plant. this is just an exparament:!:) im also using a rather small container to grow. im not aiming for huge plants either. but the root system is taking advantage of every sqaure inch of soil. now i dont want anyone saying my plant wont budd :( lol that will put my down. ive seen a white widdow bud from seed in a plastic water bottle cut in half. yield was about 8 grams. lol anyways the strain is unknown. and im using 2 cfl lights 2700k each (blue spectrum light) and i have 2 other cfl's that provide red spectrum at 2700k each which i will be using for flowering. im about 1 month into growing from seedling. i must say its looking pretty healthy. not one yellow spot. i only have 10-50-10 solution right now for flower... but gave it a small dose anyways. just once. i also cannot tell the sex of the plant either just yet. but it looks too leafy to be male. sorry the pics arent too in detail. my camera doesnt wana work right now. so its my phone quality. and there is alot more light in there than it appears in the pics. so i would like some advise on what to do, how it looks, and what the sex is. plz n thank you :leaf:


Active Member
yea i will deffinatly be gettng bigger pots next time. this is just a temporary learning stage for me.. but the wattage for the cfl's are very low but seem to be doing the trick just fine. they are 30 watt each (equivilent to 100 tho) and 150 volts. i dont plan on these getting any bigger than 2 & 1/2 feet. i rotate my plant every day incase light doesnt reach certain parts. its well ventilated and blow a fan on it for a few minutes twice a day. i would really like to confirm the plant is femle tho. if ayone can tell? or suggest any other advise.. ( i will be getting proper equipment in time. but this is all i can do for a couple months)


Active Member
Since you are only rocking 1 to 2 plants at a time - you aren't in any real danger of pollen - so I would say just flip the lights back to 12/12 if you are happy with the size. That pot size is so small - you are going to want to flower asap if you don't want root lock... I would transplant into a slightly larger pot anyways - the induction of new soil will provide it with fresh organic nutrients to take it into the begining stages of flowering.

- Cheers
Big D


Active Member
its too late to transplant as the roots are taking up the entire space. im not sure how that would be done. but i have topped up the soil twice. why should i flower asap? and should i now change the 2 cfl's to the red spectrum cfl lights if im going to be doing 12/12 flowering?


you should flower asap because they will be growing taller while flowering as well and still have some ways to go (with respect to time spent flowering [few weeks]) and it doesn't look like you have a whole lot of room to work with. The amount of light you're planning on using also wouldn't be enough to be effective once they got that tall either. Also, prob what would be nice is even 250-400w HPS set up for that, ballasts and bulb packages could be found for a pretty decent price and if you plan on doing this every so often, and that size of set up, you'll be thankful in the end.

What kind of box are you using? Cardboard with tinfoil/Mylar? When you switch to flowering - if you take the above suggestion - investing in a small actual wooden box would go a long way in insuring no overheating. (Edit: Looks like the box is a sturdy wooden cabinet or something. [best I can tell sorry] Nice!)

Edit: Also for the roots - you need to transfer into bigger pots asap, especially if you are filling the pots. What is preventing you from transplanting them? If you don't the plants growth will more than likely be affected, as well the weight of the buds after you begin flowering may cause the plant to fall over, or snap.

Looks good! Good luck!


Active Member
the setup is acually in my closet. overheating is not a problem. it is all surrounded by wall except for one side which is cardboard. and yes it is tinfoil (unfortunatly. but there is white paint on the wall undearneath btw) i know i should have used the daul side instead (the not shiny side) but its hard to re-do it all now. as i said befor this is a learning exp stage for me so i have some knowledge when i decide to put money forth on proper light, etc... and as far as the transplanting goes. im not sure how to do it exactly. i got the soil. and finding another pot wont be hard. i just dont know how... so i geussing i should start flowering now 12/12 and change the lightbulbs to the 2 cfl red spectrums i have 2700k each. correct? im sure its a female plant. it has to be. but anyways if anyone could get back to me with more suggestions/opinions or comments that would be greatly apreciated. also the method of transplanting.


Well, you'll find out soon enough if you start flowering! I hope they're not male, I wouldnt think that they are, but they are growing tall, stretchin to reach that light. You should have maybe placed the old light close to the plant while it veg'd so that its height stayed at a minimun for these early phases. Next time. Like you said, learning experience.

But yeah, whatever, so it's tin foil. No big deal, thats alright. Closet is a nice place. Try not to let it get too humid and breed fungus or anything.

All you need to do to transplant is:
- have your bigger pot that you will transplant to filled about 2/3rds full with new soil
- soak (your choice) the plant and let the water drain until it stops pouring out the bottom of its pot
- then turn the plant upside down and tap the pot to free the plant from the side of the pot
- place in new pot fill surronding area and top with soil (pat gently)
-water newly potted plant (lightly nothing too heavy)


Yeah, I would change the light out and try to get em producing now. Lights are the most important thing, I dont know your location but online retailers would be easily ship you the small supplies. Trust me, that 200-300$ investment in even a crumby low wattage HPS bulb for flowering, will likely blow your CF out of the water. Since its personal stuff, you should consider that your the one whos going to enjoy the end result, so putting a bit of effort in certain areas like that might make a nice difference in the end.

I built a D-I-Y projector which requires a Ballast and Bulb for Metal Halide, I ended up picking up a Switchable 400W HPS/MH. Thats a nice investment.

Anyways, I could be wrong and if I am, I hope someone else replies and lets you know, but I hope this helps. Best of luck.


Active Member
thaks for all the replies every1. every bit helps... anyways. as u can see in the pics it did stretch quit a bit in the early seedling stage. only because i had it in my room under no light except for the incandessant bulb for my room and sunlight from outside. thats what probly caused the stretch.. but soon after i placed it under the cfl's i had the light very close whitch stopped the tall growing and made the stacks come quicker. i currently have 7 or 8. possibly 9th stack coming in with leaves sprouting at each internode. i dont see any form of seeds growing so i dont think its a male. if anyone else has an opinion on the sex that would be great. now... as far as the HPS light goes. im gona stick with the cfl's for a while. ive heard you can grow quality plants and have a good yeild from cfl light. of course with the proper bulbs and how many you have. correct me if i am wrong? but cfl's seem to work good. and dont have to worry about a raise in power meter.... but im hoping to transplant into a bigger


Active Member
pot as soon as i have time. i have switched my 2 cfl lights to the red spectrum bulbs ( 2700k and 3000k other one ) and i starting the 12/12 cycle tonight. i will post some pics soon of my progress and i will definaltly have more questions. so feel free to reply. i like the feeback. thanks. [ sorry for the double part post... my ps3 only lets me type in so much for some reason ;s)


Well-Known Member
thaks for all the replies every1. every bit helps... anyways. as u can see in the pics it did stretch quit a bit in the early seedling stage. only because i had it in my room under no light except for the incandessant bulb for my room and sunlight from outside. thats what probly caused the stretch.. but soon after i placed it under the cfl's i had the light very close whitch stopped the tall growing and made the stacks come quicker. i currently have 7 or 8. possibly 9th stack coming in with leaves sprouting at each internode. i dont see any form of seeds growing so i dont think its a male. if anyone else has an opinion on the sex that would be great. now... as far as the HPS light goes. im gona stick with the cfl's for a while. ive heard you can grow quality plants and have a good yeild from cfl light. of course with the proper bulbs and how many you have. correct me if i am wrong? but cfl's seem to work good. and dont have to worry about a raise in power meter.... but im hoping to transplant into a bigger
you won't be able to tell what sex it is until it goes into flowering, then you can shoot a pic and we can tell ya what it is.


you won't be able to tell what sex it is until it goes into flowering, then you can shoot a pic and we can tell ya what it is.

Yep, its gonna be a lil while still, but once its started changing is when you are gonna be able to tell the sex, right now you wouldnt be able to. When it starts though, you'll see right away. Either you'll get budsites, or little balls.

Keep us posted for sure.


Active Member
hey guys.. so ive finally got around to doing the transplant. i just found an old bucket layin around, put my own drainage holes in... now i think its a god given miracle my plant never died ! lol during the transplant i damaged many roots, some were ripped right apart and plant was shaken up pretty good. got real messy too. but there are no signs of droopy leaves or yellowing and its been almost 24 hours. seems to still be growing.. i will post some pics very soon. still wondering about the sex. im 75% sure its female tho. anyway, my question now is. should i start slowly introducing the 10-54-10 nutes? seeing as how ive only given a small dose to my plant once during veg. that was it.


Active Member
hey guys.. so ive finally got around to doing the transplant. i just found an old bucket layin around, put my own drainage holes in... now i think its a god given miracle my plant never died ! lol during the transplant i damaged many roots, some were ripped right apart and plant was shaken up pretty good. got real messy too. but there are no signs of droopy leaves or yellowing and its been almost 24 hours. seems to still be growing.. i will post some pics very soon. still wondering about the sex. im 75% sure its female tho. anyway, my question now is. should i start slowly introducing the 10-54-10 nutes? seeing as how ive only given a small dose to my plant once during veg. that was it.
tranplanting gets cleaner everytime you do it! knock on wood! dont jinx yourself with the sex.
you should start a light bloom solution a couple days before flippin to 12/12.
if your already flowering, it will only do good when you feed again!
just be sure to flush near the end(no offence if you already know this,just hate to see all the progress go to shit)

anyways keep up the goodwork


Active Member
yeup. im 2. almost 3rd day into flowering. the 10-54-10 is the only solution i have right now. but its good. i know to gradually start feeding with small doses n work your way up. and i know about flushing :) i heard flush the last week or 2 of flowing or it could result in budd damage n serious flavor/tast issues. but... how often should i feed? every other watering? or once maybe twice a week?


I think some people here are gonna have a stronger opinion on that than others. depending on the size of the plant and how much water it needs, I mean, I would use the solution prob 1/3 of the time I water. But some guys here might have stronger opinions.

Be sure to keep us updated on its progress with some pics! Thanks!


Active Member
hey everyone. my plant is going well. but ive decided to expand to 5 plants at a time with the full use of my closet. i will post pics of my progress soon, my question now is... the walls in my closet are painted white.. should i leave it or put up reflective surfaces like tinfoil?


Having 5 plants in that tight a space and with the lights you are using is likely to be inneffective. If you had a serious setup in that size an are it might be worth it, but I think you're aspiring to do a bit more than your capable of handling at this point, given the equiptment you use. Just my thoughts. Hopefully someone else can chime in. Post new pics of the setup so we can have a look. I dont know how much more effective mylar, pandafilm or white walls will be with the lights you got.