Need some advise, plant issues


Active Member
I believe something is eaten my plant, but I just dont see any bugs, it is really pissing me off, and hope you guys can help me.

This is the only plant out of three that looks to be getting munched, I just noticed it before lights out last night, and it does look a little more was eaten this morning when lights on.

I just put them in under (4) 55w pl-l t5's 6500k 220w 20,000 lumens total, had the lights to within 3 inches. My medium is soil. I just transplanted this one from a 1 gal to a 3 gal 4 days ago. I watered in good, but I am a little concerned due to it is still 4 days later a little wet. notice in picture my temp and relative humidity

- ph is 6.6
- I have not given her any nutes as of yet from birth she is 19 days old from seed start in soil
- seed from bag weed
- lighting 18/6
- soil, originally I made the great newbie decision of staring her in mg soil, when transplanted, I used a mix of a little mg, perlite, and lamberts organic potting soil
- the other two plants are just 2 days old out of soil and have no signs of munching on them

Or could this be some kind of deficiency like phosphorus as i have not given any nutes at this time

If this is a case of munching, any ideas what I should do to eradicate these little bastards, thanks for your time and help in this matter



Active Member
I test with a ph meter, ph 'd water goes in then the next day I double check soil ph

I dont see any bugs at all, do you think it would be phosphorus def.

If so, how do I treat my plant for phosphorus as my soil is still kind of wet, i would hate to over water it

Thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
Some plants just have some deformed leaves. You may have dripped some nutes on them too or something like that. Looks healthy to me but if it keeps progressing to other leaves then maybe something is eating it. My experience with caterpillars or worms and such is they tend to leave holes in the middle of leaflets and the plants don't seem to be too bothered by it unless they are infested and getting eaten alive.


Weed Modifier
imo I don't think its bugs...more just a deformation from rubbing up against a stem or the tips sometimes can get stuck a bit and when its just starting new... it is very tiny, so you don't see it til it grows out a bit....look at the outline ... still looks green...and healthy just a bit deformed but will still function, long as its not happening everywhere I would not be to concerned yet ;) I have a few like that too... peace

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Just give them a little extra P next feeding. If that one leaf is the only one with the problem then it may have just been damaged as it was growing in.


Active Member
I thought maybe my lights were maybe too close and burning top leaves or my soil is not drying out as quick as it needs too.

What is your typical watering window with a 3 gallon pot? it has been 4 days since last watering and soil is still pretty wet, it was easier to contend with when it was in a 1 gallon pot, i had to water every 3 days

I will certainly give her a little more P on my next watering


Well-Known Member
I like my soil airy and use big chunky perlite so in flower I water every other day in my 5 gallon pots. When they are young sometimes they wont need water for a week sometimes 2 depending on the strain. And sativas take more water and more often than indica dominant in my experience.