Need some help first time with DWC


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am having some trouble with these DWC plants I am growing. These 2 plants are clones takin from soil plants i grew, i cant recall which strain they are but I have 5 decent strains from which I took clones. Anyway there seems to be some burning or something in the leaves. Im using house tap water with a ppm of 120 and ph 7.0. I PH the water to 5.8 before putting the netpots on my 5 gallon buckets. I have changed the water everyweek. When i added General Hydro florabloom or floramico the ppm only goes to like 400ppm. Think I either have not added enough Nitrogen nutes or I am having a nute burn. If anyone knows a cure for me let me know. I ran straight Ph 5.8 water through em for a few days. I know they are hardy plants. The larger one i actually broke in half COMPLETELy one day on accident while super cropping and taped it with plant velcro back to the base stalk and it actually reconnected in 4 days. My roots look white at the moment, but I find I sometimes have to lower the PH daily as it seems to try to climb up to 7ish. The fan leaves appear to just be straight burning away, new growth looks ok. Stand by for better pics.

I think these are around 20 days in the DWC buckets they were cloned in a bubble cloner i made. I just use airstones and nice airpumps in these. Right now they have 2 300gallon air pumps with 1 large round air stone and 2 airstones in a T in each. I wanna reduce it to 1 large stone in each. I have clearex and florakleen if you guys think i should use it if its nute burn.

PS I Have some experience with soil growing and am toking on some of my recent harvest right now and its really good, but i really wanna get hydro down as well.

Maybe the leaves that are dieing could be the leaves that were on the plant when it was initially cloned?


youve got a few things going on in here sir... looks like your overwatering?? yeah, not sure how youre pulling that off... and ph goal is 5.1, and PLEASE, stop switching your water weekly, way not needed. hell, you could run a girl from jump to chop in the same water overall. just make sure it doesn get gross. the fact that youve got constant water and oxygen means you dont need to worry so much about your feed, especially in dwc, just worry about keeping your ppm decent enough for your plants needs, under a little and compensating with something like sugardaddy is a fine way to go... especially later on in flower. and youve got a heat issue i think in there, i dont know what your stats are there but a few leaves look like theyre burnt out, so you may want to look into that a little. as for the one big airstone, go to the fishtank section at walmart and get that big green bubble stick thing and cut it to the right size at home and recap it... although its hydro, most soil growers think theres more to focus on since youre taking that dirt buffer away... so the only way i can think to explain it is like this... when your having sex with a condom on, sometimes you take longer to finish... because you dont notice everything thats going on because theres that layer there... so just like that, you need to have less "awesome things" against your "roots" to make sure you can keep going... cause as we all know, too much of a good thing is actually, less good. haha... hope this helped out a bit, all in all youll be fine, just remember, your not using that condom anymore. ;D


Active Member
5.1 ??? Thats way too low dude, try 5.5 to 5.7 and go up 50 ppm a day for a few days.From the looks of it I'd say the plant is cannabalizing and thats why the leaves have necrotic growth on them. Hard to tell with the fucked up light shades in the pic. If anyone knows more, feel free to correct me.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, do you know what the PPM should be for my 5 gallon buckets of water? I forgot what the proper ppm is for the water in DWC, my meter says mines like around 400ppm one i add some florabloom and floramicro. Also I changed the water weekly because the roots were looking kinda slimy at first, now it seems fine and i havent changed the water for a few days. I have seen those green air stone things, ill def get some, I wasnt sure if they were good for this. up rep on you guys


Well-Known Member
If anyone else is still viewing my thread im having a lot of trouble keeping my PH stable at 5.5-5.8. I am using a milwakee PH meter, strips, and sussomething liquid PH test. It seems within a few hours my PH will rise to around 6.8 in for my small plants and the larger one in the picture above seem to have there PH lower to around 3.5 which seems really low..... I use less water in the larger plants now like a quarter of a 5 gallon bucket full. I am thinking the smaller plants PH fluctuates b/c of the large amount of water in the 5 gallon res, but I do not know. Why are my larger DWC plants lowering PH and small ones raising??! Also just ordered some mad expensive Hannah PH meter that does TDS/PPM, PH, Temp, and something else. I believe my res temp is under 70F tho. But my orange buckets may be letting light in?


Active Member
Once you add nutes to the water ph should stabilize for the most part within 2 days or so. You may have salt build up. Also check your bucket for algae and light leaks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I think maybe my orange Home depot buckets have light leaks? but my flowering plants are now in black buckets with no light leaks, and their PH seems to go down to around 3.5 after a day and i always PH it at 5.8ish for all my Hydro plants. The little ones go up in PH to around 6.7 and have some slimy brownish stuff on a few roots. I think it has to do with light and the more water in the buckets in when the plants are young makes a bigger breeding ground for algae and bacteria etc... The flowering plants have massive roots and the buckets are only 1/4 full as the smaller plants are in buckets 3/4 full or more. I reduced a few to 1/2 today. I had to rePH everything, I just got a fancy Hannah PH meter and all the PH calibration fluids and stuff. I use barely any nutes so far.