need some help PLEASE!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
my seeds just sprouted and was just wondering if its normal for the seed leaves to be semi brown...cuz one of my seed leaves is kinda brownish and the seed shell is still attached to the leaves....the other leaves looks really green and healthy.....just one of the seed leaves

help please!!!


Well-Known Member
Try and CAREFULLY remove the seed shell. That may help, or it may not. Could be just a weak little plant. Give it time and it might surprise you. How are you growing, in soil?


Well-Known Member
yea in soil.........should i just let the shell fall off naturally when its time or just i just do it???


Well-Known Member
Holy shit dude you need to abort all growing immediately.......You have the dreaded brown spot virus....everything is wasted you might as well start all over.


Well-Known Member
You are about 3-4 days into this’s gonna be a long 3 months for you.
Don’t worry about the plant...if it is weak it will die and if it’s strong it will live.
When they shed the shell sometimes they have a skin left...sometimes you need to remove this very carefully. It can be done with tweezers.
IL save you a lot of worry in the next three months by letting you know a little secret....KISS.
Keep It Simple, Stupid.
It is a weed. It will grow and try to survive with only the smallest amount of conditions.
Don’t over do it.