Need some help

If my plant is getting too big to leave in my yard, how should I go about bringing them inside and putting them under a light? It's not flowering yet, but it's probably a good 2 feet tall right now. Should I bring it in now before it flowers? Or wait until it begins flowering, which by that time the plant could be seen. Neighbors are iffy. Any pointers to help me make sure it survives the move? Any help is greatly appreciated, I'm almost done with my indoor setup.
Bump for help please. The plants were given to me and 2 of the 3 are ok to leave outside but I have to bring the big one in. I've got a little setup started in a spare bedroom but I need to know the best way to go about bringing an outdoor plant inside and helping it survive. Like I said it's not flowering yet. What should I do?
I don't know anything about that. I haven't grown anything in several years, and when I did it was always outdoor and I never did anything but water. Never had any problems in the country, but now I'm in the city and can't have a giant bud plant out back. The other 2 are staying pretty small so far, but the big one is getting pretty big:

That's the big one, and you can kinda see one of the little ones to the right of it, getting dwarfed. The little one started flowering all of a sudden. Smells wonderful.
Anyway, what you are suggesting, are you saying that's something I can do outdoors, or what I should do if I bring it in?


Well-Known Member
Research lst supercrop and scrog. Leave the little one outside and if you bring the larger one in switch it to 12/12.
So the idea is to bring this big baby in, start flowering, and hope it makes it? Any special nutes or just tricks/tips to help a previously outdoor plant stay healthy after coming indoors?


Well-Known Member
Nothing special just give them a good bug spraying before you bring them in. Use whatever nutes you already use. Basically you just got free veg time.
I don't use any nutes at all, shamefully. They've been growing pretty good without it.

There's gotta be something bad about vegging a plant outside then bringing it in, or else everybody would do it, right? Are bugs the only problem, or does it shock the plants real bad?


Well-Known Member
Everyone else just leaves the plants outside to bloom. Go grab some jacks classic nutes. It's like $5 or dynagro bloom.
I wish I could leave it outside. What kind of bug spray would you suggest? I've always been hesitant to spray chemicals on my plant but I've never really had bug problems. Thanks for your help