need some opinions from knowledgeable ppl........ LIGHTS

hey everyone,
im growing with a bunch of cfls (which includes an aerogarden hood) and two 4ft fluorescence. my original plan was to just swap the high spectrum lights with some low spectrums for the flowering but now im not so sure il get ideal yield from just cfls and floro. would anyone suggest an hps or mh? i saw some at walmart the other day, i think they were the kind you just screw in, no ballast needed (i think). now i know EVERYONE suggests hps and mh lights because they r obviously much better and efficient, but im just wondering if this would be best for ME, and if cfls and floro give a decent yield. straight up im looking for around a quad to an ounce a plant, if i can get more then why not.
thanks everyone
best for you depends alot on $$, size of the grow room you have and a bunch pof other stuff. HPS to flower and I have 2-400's for anywhere from 5-12 plants.


Well-Known Member
dude, you can grow with either lights.

HPS/MH lights.. or go with higher wattage CFL bulbs. Either one will work..

I started out using CFL lights.. and was impressed with the yields.. but once I saved up my money I went ahead and bought two 150watt HPS systems.. and never looked back. HPS/MH lights will give you better yields.. plus the more lumens you get from the HID lights.. also aid in helping the plant grow faster and helps yields by a lot.

I would suggest getting yourself an HPS system. Cost you around 75$ to 120$ (depending on where you get it). I paid like 89.99 per unit for my HPS lights...

stay away from walmart "HPS" lights. They're not really made for what your going to use them for... I would suggest looking around the internet and get prices first.. before making your final decision.

This might entice you.. the two HPS systems that I bought.. okay sure they're only 150watts. But, they put out around 11 to 13k worth of lumens each. So I have two of them, so I'm actually putting out 300watts and like around 22k to 26k worth of lumens.. which is really more important than wattage... when it comes to growing cannabis. Also, the HPS systems I'm talking about.. they also make conversion bulbs that you can use with that HPS system. So, instead of having to spend more money on another system (MH system).. just spend 30bucks and get the conversion bulb. This way, you only spent the money to get the HPS system.. plus another 30 bucks for the HPS conversion bulb.. and have saved yourself not only money.. but time as well.

And, if your thinking.. "meh, just 150watts??" well.. let me tell ya.. these 150watt systems are much brighter than people probably realize.

Also, another thing to consider.. is heat output. I took this into consideration before making my decision of which one to get... and I'm glad I did because I have absolutely no heat issues. None, period. If you go with anything higher than a 150 to 250 watt system.. your going to need adequate ventilation and fans to keep the heat from the lights.. in check.

just trying to help.. hope some of that made sense because I'm having troubles thinking straight after taking a couple of Valiums. ;)

good luck to ya.. and if you have any further questions feel free to ask away.

ok specifics..... my space is about a meter in a half squared, so i have a bit of room. cost isnt much an issue, though, i much prefer to buy all my supplies at the local walmart because they tend to have cost efficient products that are the exact same as the expensive stuff, or just a good alternative. the one major aspect is a fire. it is a smaller grow space, and im using towels and a blanket hung from the open ends of my area, like curtains, to close everything off.... almost like a box with two walls missing and the curtain in place of the two missing walls. so, fire trap? also i dont have the most hi-tech setup... in fact a very lo-tech one so im not sure how well il be able to keep the hps from water vapors and shit like that, but actually i assume it shouldnt be hard if i just kept it high up. but anyone had good outcome with a floro cfl mix????


Well-Known Member
bro, i started out using just CFL lights. I averaged around a qrtr ounce.. to around a 1/2Oz per plant.

I'm not saying you can't do it.. I was just suggesting using HPS and MH lighting instead.. but yeah.. you can use CFL lighting to grow.

just takes longer.. and again the yield won't be near what an HPS and MH light system would spit out... that's all I was saying.

Either way, good luck to ya.. again!
thanks man that makes me feel much better knowing that il at least get a copious supply even if i just used the floro and cfls. abouth the hps at walmart tho... it says its for indoor growing so may b id benefit from one or two... i mean i got nothing to lose and ounces to gain. im one of those impulsive types so il probly take ur advice and buy a hps system when i start gettin the jitters, but like i asked before, would i be running a tinder box if i set one up in my space? i really dont want a fire.


New Member
no I don't think you will shit if you have to cut a hole high in theblanket so the hot air will escape ide say about a foot over your light so it could breath and use a fan