Need suggestions for my grow!

Ok so first off i live n a small town and herb is getting harder and harder to come by the days... especially anything good.... the recent increase in pigs has put a serious damper on my smoking so iv come the conclusion that im gonna jus grow my own to end all the madness... but i still unfortunantly still live with meh parents :( but on the plus side i live with my mom n she knows that i smoke and doesnt really care that i do but im almost positive that she wouldnt like the idea of me growin :evil:.. but also if i wish to keep smoking n stay out prison this seems to be the only option with all the fuzz crakin down here... so iv started germinating some seeds i got from a bag a dro and thats were it all ended.. but i have a few ideas were i might be able to grow but it would have to be a fairly small plant and i would just basically be looking to grow a small plant that would yeild really quickly... im just looking to use it for myself not to sell r anything so basiclly just enough for me to smoke occasionally nothing rediculous... so if anybody has ideas or pointers on how to accomplish this it would be greatly appreaciated.. thanks to anybody that can help out!


Well-Known Member
If you want a small plant look into getting some of the autoflowering varieties of seeds. They go from seed to harvest in 8-10 weeks. If you are stuck with just random bagseed you will have to use LST to hold the main stem down and circle it around to keep it low and smallish. Other than that there is a lovely faq section at


Well-Known Member
Here's what I'm reading:

You don't want to go to prison for buying weed.
You live with your mom.
She's cool with smokin, but not growin.
You want to grow a small plant.
I'm guessing in a place in your mom's house
that she doesn't know about.
You want a small plant.
You germinated already.

I have a few questions.
How much do you smoke in a week?
What are gonna do for smoke while your bitch is growin.
How much were you expecting to get off of one small plant.
What would happend if your mom found out? Or even the cops?

Is it really worth the risk to grow one measly little plant?

Think about it dude....


Well-Known Member
Here's what I'm reading:

You don't want to go to prison for buying weed.
You live with your mom.
She's cool with smokin, but not growin.
You want to grow a small plant.
I'm guessing in a place in your mom's house
that she doesn't know about.
You want a small plant.
You germinated already.

I have a few questions.
How much do you smoke in a week?
What are gonna do for smoke while your bitch is growin.
How much were you expecting to get off of one small plant.
What would happend if your mom found out? Or even the cops?

Is it really worth the risk to grow one measly little plant?

Think about it dude....

Have to say, Bong juice you took the words out of my mouth...

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Yeah, don't grow in someone else's house without their consent, that's like the most disrespectful thing you could do. Try talking to your mum about it, if she's cool with you smoking she can probably appreciate your worries about getting caught buying, and might even help you. You'll never know if you don't ask.
Yeah, don't grow in someone else's house without their consent, that's like the most disrespectful thing you could do. Try talking to your mum about it, if she's cool with you smoking she can probably appreciate your worries about getting caught buying, and might even help you. You'll never know if you don't ask.
I was in the same boat...My peoples is cool now..
well i was maybe looking for a sudgestion to how to maybe approach her about growin or if anybody was perhaps in the same perdicament.. srry for wording it all so porly.. n also wat i ment was the seeds have aready been germinated i was given the seed in a pot by a friend... so my delima right know is to other get rid of the plant r somehow grow it.. n the thing with increase in bust's round here no one really sells because of the fear of getting ratted out... and with the law enforcement haveing such a large hold over everything in the town its almost impossible to even just drive around with it..... so basicly i just wanted to grow a small plant with only maybe two people have knowlage of and not have to ever go out n buy herb and have the risk of getting caught... i just want to casually smoke without the problems of buying it....


Well-Known Member
well you just made a serious mistake. You let two other people know about it. If the law is as bad as you said they were in your area then your chances of getting popped just quadruppled. And if that happens, then you just dragged your mom into the picture cause you grew it on HER property and Leo will want to charge her for cultivation also. Not saying it's going to happen but bringing more people into your one little plant grow just increased your odds. Is it really worth it???? Iwould say no...JMO
i dont think im gonna grow ill just have to cut my smoking unless my mom knows bout it :/ lol but the people i was refering to would accualy be my mom and me lol no one else... well my moms always been pretty badass bout these things n her only real concern bout me smoking is me getting caught buying... so who knows maybe shell undertand just have to see how things go