Neigbours are harassing me


Well-Known Member
It's funny you should say that! Just recently I've started to strike really odd poses whenever I see either of them. The other day I did that strange egyption pose. I held the pose until he went away. He must've thought I was a right nutter!

tbh i would think you were a right nutter as well


Well-Known Member
I have read this whole thread and theirs a lot of funny ideas you stoners have, however if you want to handle the problem. Do not attempt to walk up to them to resolve the problem. When you see them simply state what you have to say in a civil manner. They will listen reguardless if they look like they're ignoring you or not. Let them know that you may not like them and they may not like you but you. Can coexist together without confrentation, and if theirs any issues that lead to childish way you will not hesitate to expose them to the authorities and to all of your nieghbore aswell. They may not care what you think but if you send a flyer to all of your nieghbors exposing there childish ways and humiliate them by revealing the truth and there true colors they will either knock it off or they will simply move. Embarrase them by challenging them amongst your piers in the community with the truth. You will be victorious by simply handling the situation in a bold yet civil manner..


Artificial emotion

Well-Known Member
I do like the idea of sending flyers to expose and humiliate them. Could I not get into trouble for defamation of character without solid proof? I'm not sure how the law works.


Well-Known Member
I do like the idea of sending flyers to expose and humiliate them. Could I not get into trouble for defamation of character without solid proof? I'm not sure how the law works.
You build your case. Record conversations that you hear and any encounters with them. It won't take you but 1 month to have enough evidence to ruin there life if they continue with childish ways.. take a little time to build your case. And make a journal of it. Then you consolidate it to one solid civil yet humiliating flyer.



Active Member
realistically you should just murder them!

2.garbage disposal
3.rubber gloves
4.garbage bags

then start a grow room in there empty living space

if the cops ask you questions just say that you think they were involved with drugs and some columbian guys were snooping around a couple days back.

Good Luck

Back in my binge drinking days, I would vomit in a ziploc baggy and then lay it flat in the freezer. The barf will freeze into a flat square that can be slid through cracks like mail slots and slightly rolled down car windows, etc.

get their info and sign them up for junk mail.

List random items they have outside on craigslist as free as long as the person picks it up.

List them as swingers on craigslist and get pictures of them to go with it.


tell them your having a garage sale and if they wanna keep their shit, get it out of your storage area. Tell them posession is 9/10ths of the law. so technically you own their shit and you will sell it if they don't fuck it off. Tell them if it don't sell in the garage sale then there is always ebay for the shit thats left over

Artificial emotion

Well-Known Member
I feel so bloody angry I just want to kill those fuckers. I can't take it anymore. They're constantly making insults out loud and when you're subjected to this constantly whenever you're in it really gets to you. Everyone hates being bullied, but to be bullied in your own home constantly is enough to drive anyone mad. It's so childish. I mean who over the age of 18 actually does that? I can't believe how immature they are!


Well-Known Member
quit being a punk. man up and confront the situation. with him not her. wtf?????? if it leads to violence then it will be over with. now get the sand out of your vagina and squash this crap...


Well-Known Member
^^^^ If your gonna go that route, use shrimp. Actually eat the shrimp and jam a couple pounds of the carcass' in the vent Im not sure if you have smelled rotten shrimp, but its bad enough to wanna punch yer mama. Crawfish or lobster will work also

Shit anything from the sea can do, I was just hit by the mental smell recal of when I was a child. I caught some little fishies in the rock pools and left them in a bucket outside my grandma's house, god did that smell awefull the next day.

P.S. another route of action is to record them, and see if you can present this material to the owners of the complex.


Well-Known Member
Shit anything from the sea can do, I was just hit by the mental smell recal of when I was a child. I caught some little fishies in the rock pools and left them in a bucket outside my grandma's house, god did that smell awefull the next day.

P.S. another route of action is to record them, and see if you can present this material to the owners of the complex.
I knew some one would agree with me =>)


Well-Known Member
I like when people talk about me then i know their jealous of me. People luv or hate but most times when they hate unless your a totall ass their jealous of you. Which makes me happy to be me


Hey bro sorry to hear, Have they got a power box outside? you should turn off their power every night to piss'em off, Or shoot'em the choice is your's...


Well-Known Member
I spun my fresh trimmings, and small buds, two times for some bubble hash. I left the trimming in the cold water overnight, with intentions of draining for use for butter. so, i didnt get around to draining it for just two days. Those two days were enough to make that concoction smell of dead mice... wait... what is the thread about?
oh yea, throw some of that shit their way.... you imagine, a water balloon launcher full of moldy, decade, stagnant trimmings launched at your face at 70 mph. Bahahahahdddd day...