Net pots with Atami Wilma,Help Needed!


Well-Known Member
it'l be fine to use netpots with hydroton.i prefer to use rockwool cubes then place them in the hydroton. the light shouldnt be a problem if your worried just cover the top of the pots.


Well-Known Member
fill the pots that come with the atami with hydroton then insert your net pot under the hydroton. so the nt pot is covered on the sides and the top. you shouldnt be able to see the net pot.

Alex Wayne

Hey Thanks for your help,but I dont want to use the atami pots,what I'm planing to do is use net pots on the atami tray. Other people usually use net pots for aeroponic systems where pots stay under the tray and plants grow through a hole made in that tray.What I wanna know is if it's possible to use net pots in a top dripper system where the pots actually sit on the tray ,just like atami ones.