Netanyahu: "If Iran Wants To Be Treated Like A Normal Country..

She showed me that she has principle, simply by not attending that dog and pony show. Now she probably also has left herself open to be called anti-Israel, which you should know is a kiss of death in American politics. That woman has my vote.

fuck that shit! even if she doesn't get 1 jew vote, women and minority would topple.

don't forget most jews are GOP and wouldn't even vote for her anyway.

and besides this is nothing like tom schwick and the jew whisper campaign that he committed suicide over.

by the way, did you notice the demographic of suicide?..just like i said:

WASP, unmarried, male..this is due to lack of social safety net..they don't have friends or family or mate active in their lives.
Iran`s Military has sworn, promised and literally told the world, ON NUMEROUS OCCATIONS, that as soon as Iran has a Nuclear Weapon, it will wipe Israel off the map.

You people are not seeing the scale of this threat. Obama wants to give the chance for Iran to have said bomb in pieces that it could assemble and throw in a day. If Obama is wrong about Iran, there`s no recourses, no way to prevent it. Just give them the bomb in pieces and hope they don`t build and use it. By then, Israel glows in the dark for a thousand years, and Obama is legally in the clear, he had a promise made to him and as leader of the USA, he made an educated decision and trusted the other leaders at their word. It`s a great plan to protect Obama and that`s it.

Nate and you, sees the writing on the wall, Obama sees graffiti. Why anyone here on RUI would think that the Israeli leader would not try to stop this from happening,...well, that`s you and yours to decide but if it were me in charge of Israel, the very minute a deal is struck to allow Iran to have the spiny things, I would not wait and see, I would attack at once.

This is of course what Obama wants, US co-operation with Iran as Israel bombs it. Obama cleared, Israel the aggressor, his term up he`s clear F` them.

If any Country threatened mine with Nukes, I would not allow them to posses them even if it means first strike, kill til there`s one man left. Anything else would label me a coward.

As it stands, Israel has warned Iran, has warned the USA and only has to act as it`s last option.

Wanna know why paid Dems wont muster, they wont get the balance due.
The last time an American official took the word of another country as good faith,...we lost an ambassador and two SEAL in Libya. That was Hillary`s brain fart. Now it`s Obama`s turn, and he`s gonna do the ole, SBD.
Why would you have the bad guys start the Nuke war when you can pressure the good guys into taking that fist strike ?
Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the Joint Meeting of Congress:

“The unbreakable bonds between the United States and Israel are rooted in our shared values, our common ideals and mutual interests. Ours is a deep and abiding friendship that will always reach beyond party. Americans stand shoulder to shoulder with the Israeli people. The state of Israel stands as the greatest political achievement of the 20th century, and the United States will always have an unshakable commitment to Israel’s security.

“That is why, as one who values the U.S. – Israel relationship, and loves Israel, I was near tears throughout the Prime Minister’s speech – saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the P5 +1 nations, and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation.

“Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterated something we all agree upon: a nuclear armed Iran is unacceptable to both our countries. We have all said that a bad deal is worse than no deal, and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons is the bedrock of our foreign policy and national security. As President Obama has said consistently, all options are on the table for preventing a nuclear-armed Iran.”

Hmmm, I wonder which side she is on. MOAR WAR!!
Insult to the intelligence of the United States ? After leaving Iraq, the US intelligence was that things would work themselves out over time. After a hundred thousand mass murders in the name of Religion things are so far worse that we must go back to war and stop it again.

Pretty smart intelligences we have....

Republican-led report debunks Benghazi theories and accusations

will you retards ever shut up, even when facts prove you to be wrong?

This is the kind of trash we can rely on from Democrats. Your link goes to a story saying that the House Intelligence Committee found little to support questions raised on the night of the Benghazi attack.

Should you have one tenth of a brain, you can clearly determine exactly why they found little. Because all the information was cleverly locked away in an E-mail account . The same E-mail account/Server Hillary had at home was created the day before being sworn in to Office. This same E-Mail account was also changed and edited the day before Hillary was to appear before the Senate Committee.

All coincidences...if you are a Democrat.

At the time she was sworn in, the Law was not in existence. In 2010, Obama made it a Law, still, Hillary continued.

To this day, there is no Official records of any businesses Hillary conducted during her stay in Office of the SEC/State. When it officially gets done, it will be because Hillary selectively handed over her accounts of businesses as SEC/State.

Last night, days after exposure, Hillary is now open to give her E-Mails to the Public. Which one`s will be up to her.

This chick is so full of shit, the halls of justice are now lined with toilet paper dispensers.

So people like Buck, grab hold of and shoot claiming 8 investigation found little support, but fail to mention that ....they are locked out of the source.

Hillary isn`t fucked,...she`s too ugly for even paddy to fuck, that`s why Bill get`s it under the table or at pedophile island.

They took out most of her memory when she got that lobotomy, so when she breaks again, it wont expose others involved.

Thanks Obama, you really know how to pick them. What are we on now, the fourth SEC/State ? or, Is it three ??

How can anyone support Hillary Clinton ? We know but ask anyway.
I fear that many of you in this thread vastly underestimate what Israel can/will do if they feel abandoned by the United States.

Israel has lots of enemies and lots of red buttons to push. And because they (to some extent) stole a lot of US nuclear "secrets", their bombs are well-designed and can be delivered with accuracy. They know they are absolutely despised beyond hope by all the countries in the middle east, and they know what it's like for their very recent ancestors to be herded like cattle and sent to slaughter, in hopes of killing them all.

And there's NO WAY they are going to allow a nuclear Iran. No way. It's just that simple. It's too risky for them and they know it.

Our dealings with Israel in being their friend and helping moderate the situation in the middle east has probably prevented major wars from occurring over there that could have gone nuclear.

And if we abandon them, their fears will justifiably escalate, and they will not hesitate to do whatever they feel they have to do to survive as a nation. Whatever that may be.
They are long done with being fucked with. They've been there and done that, and there are remnants of ovens and gas chambers and pictures of people who look like flag poles to prove it.

Israel is a nation of good people who genuinely need and deserve our help. We abandon them at the risk of an eventual World War III.
ugh, the hypocrisy is strong with this one. schuylar is a bigot and a terrorist apologist. She makes such broad and prejudiced comments about jews but the second you criticize a brown person she's the first one to call you a racist.
Wake up dumb dumb. Iran has publicly said they want to wipe Israel from the map..and these are the people you're siding with. The one's who support terrorists who are in the business of mass murder.
Muslims, christians, hindus, buddhists, all have countries..Jews have ONE, one place to call home, which by the way is surrounded on all sides by people who want to kill them simply because of their religion. They teach their children in school that murdering jews will get them into heaven and these are the people you're siding with.
let then act like a normal country".

- netanyahu congressional speech 5 minutes ago


define "normal".

this is why the "men" should not be in charge, and as long as they are there will never be peace.

they just can't get over the past:wall:

i certainly hope that we give the arab nations equal time or this is gonna look really bad.

thanks, boner!

The gender of a "ruler", "leader" or person in charge isn't what will ensure Peace.

The absence of a SYSTEM that relies upon coercion will be needed to do that.

You're scratching the wrong itch.
ugh, the hypocrisy is strong with this one. schuylar is a bigot and a terrorist apologist. She makes such broad and prejudiced comments about jews but the second you criticize a brown person she's the first one to call you a racist.
Wake up dumb dumb. Iran has publicly said they want to wipe Israel from the map..and these are the people you're siding with. The one's who support terrorists who are in the business of mass murder.
Muslims, christians, hindus, buddhists, all have countries..Jews have ONE, one place to call home, which by the way is surrounded on all sides by people who want to kill them simply because of their religion. They teach their children in school that murdering jews will get them into heaven and these are the people you're siding with.
Iran hasn't said they want to wipe Israel off the map. You have been listening to propaganda and confusing what you hear on TV news as facts.

The original New York Times article noted that Ahmadinejad said he was quoting Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic revolution, but that aspect was largely overlooked.
Iran hasn't said they want to wipe Israel off the map. You have been listening to propaganda and confusing what you hear on TV news as facts.

The original New York Times article noted that Ahmadinejad said he was quoting Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic revolution, but that aspect was largely overlooked.
Oh, it was a mistranslation! I see..we're all friends now! Nevermind that they fund the same terrorist organizations that lob unguided rockets by the thousands everyday at civilians.
They know they are absolutely despised beyond hope by all the countries in the middle east, and they know what it's like for their very recent ancestors to be herded like cattle and sent to slaughter, in hopes of killing them all.

they are basically despised everywhere for doing what they just did:

imposing their will, their issues on another nation..dragging the US down with!

can anyone see why obama he and do not mesh? netanyahu is self-serving, opportunist which is why he and the mittster are so buddy, buddy.

