Nev bill 374


Well-Known Member
I am looking for any Nevada patients in the Medical Marijuana program that are willing to write our state assembly and demand that the patients needs and concerns be addressed before they just hand it over to these rich pricks that are lining their pockets with cash. I have made several calls to the division of health and written to the assembly and they can't keep their story straight for one week on what will be in the bill and what will not. One thing they wont even talk to me about is letting Nevada patients create their own CO - Ops. Another huge issue is how many patients can afford 300 - 400 dollars per ounce especially the sick and poor which are many in my town. It is my strong conviction that this law address the needs of each county and city in the state. I am currently demanding that the state assembly give us a place on their web page to voice our needs and concerns for the Medical Marijuana community, and that they use a public service announcement on all radio stations to get the word out and leave the access to their site open to us up to a week before they vote on the new law. I started out asking and got ran in circles and told by that asshole assemblyman Rick Segerblom that if I didn't stop complaining he would vote to repeal the law altogether in the next session. Now today he sent this-
[FONT=&quot]You are so fucked up I can’t began to respond. I tried to provide a legal way to obtain medical marijuana but obviously what I have done is worse than nothing in your eyes. Sorry to disappoint you[/FONT]
Holy crap I have never been spoken to this way by a professional, businessman or the likes. This guy will not answer any questions and and this how he feels and thinks about us patients that want to from our own co-ops and not make poor and sick people pay high prices and want to be part of the democratic process of creating a bill that benefits us instead of his rich friends. We deserve much better than this and we need to unite.
From my understanding there trying to make it so u can t even grow it own I just had the cops at my house took everything. It was all for personal Use and they seam to think every drug dealers rich and basically if u want anything to do with medical marjuna in nevada u have to have silver lined pockets and shut if u know what I mean