Never Get Busted Again! -Ex Cop/Narcotics Dog Trainer Barry Cooper


Barry Cooper's Never Get Busted Again (2007)

Barry Cooper, a former brainwashed narcotics officer blazed one up one time :eyesmoke: and saw the light :lol:!

First found some broken/copyright infringement links from youtube...


Found this link:

Hope it's still up for you to view it.

Also, the first 13 minutes he tells stories of what made Lil Cooper become Officer Cooper to the most recent Barry 'Big Bud' Cooper.

Movie starts at 14:10


Active Member
im all for pirating guys, do it all the time. Barry and his wife are in a legal shitstorm right now and CPS stole their kids as part of continuing harassment from Texas police. They also run Kop Busters, and have been meeting retaliation since sending a crooked cop to jail. This guy put his head up where everyone could see it, and now hes suffering for it, getting his kids kidnapped by Child(molesters) protection services.

So what im saying, is buy the DVDs


thats fucking bullshit how could they do that? i saw those videos of his and they have saved me and my friends numerous times i highly suggest these videos, they can really help you out in a squeeze.


Active Member
for anyone that stashes herb, but you dont have a huge give-away grow room, the dirty bag, rubbing it everywhere in your house/car so K9's will false alert everywhere forcing the cops to search themselves, which they cant do as well as dogs.

that one is gold. The bonus video he gives away of his actual cop police training video on stash places in vehicles was hella interesting too.

But his family is getting fucked as a result of the gold hes handing over by the standard angry cop retaliation shit.


Active Member
Yea Barry is in some shit right now and needs support from the community. If you're going to pirate his DVD at least go to his website and donate some money to make up for it. He's a real dude that cares about helping folks out and is trying very hard to make up for all the lives he ruined while he was a Cop.

Help him out!!

BTW meowmix, I watched some post-raid videos on and it appears he is in custody of his children now and that his fine-ass wife served her night and was released.


Right on guys.... I didn't realize what was going on with Barry. Not trying to step on any toes or anything just stumbled onto this video and thought it should be shared. The video looked pretty old, I figured it was free. I'm going to check out his site for sure because we definitely need more men like him in the world.


Active Member
Didnt even know about kopbusters, seen his other vids tho and am glad I saw them. I hope Barry dont piss off the wrong pigz and end up mysteriously deceased.:-|