never had this happen before with seeds


Well-Known Member
Okay so i have soaked my seeds for 24-48 hours then put them in to paper towel like normal on top of a seedling heat mat. Looked at them this morning and where the tap root shold be it looks some thing like mash potatoe. im guessing there was something wrong with the seeds, going to check on them tomorrow and hope the tap root has shown if not i will toss them and start over any one else had this happen before?


Well-Known Member
that's the way i have allways germanated my seeds with 100% success it just these seeds that are ding this havn't got time to upload pics at the momant will try tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
alright SPL will leave it another day but it has never failed before this way Amy pond
I always try to start in soil first. If it doesn't pop in 7 days I'll try to soak the batch in a cup of warm water but not hot & let the warm water change to room temp as the seeds soak. tap them lightly every 12 hours to see if they sink to the bottom & when they do, throw them in soil and try to keep the soil within 75-90f. If they do not sprout then you have a batch of bad seeds. Minus well try until you get one.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what that is, but that's why I never germ that way, much prefer to pop them into warm moist soil and let nature take it's course.
That's the best way!! Keep it simple. I basically treat Mary Jane the same way I treat a tomato. Well maybe I give a little more love to my weed haha


Well-Known Member
bad news gut never got them seeds to pop the one that the tap root came out of hasn't srouted I checked inside both seeds and it was just like white and brown mush in them maybe thay was duds going to try another two.


Well-Known Member
bad news gut never got them seeds to pop the one that the tap root came out of hasn't srouted I checked inside both seeds and it was just like white and brown mush in them maybe thay was duds going to try another two.
Brown mush doesn't sound good at all. How long has it been since you planted them?


Well-Known Member
If you can get 95 out of 100 seeds to pop then your doing great.....not every single seed you come in contact with will sprout......Weird shit happens, like I've seen an alien spaceship in the 1990's but thats a wole different it a couple days and if they don't sprout just start over

Amy Pond

bad news gut never got them seeds to pop the one that the tap root came out of hasn't srouted I checked inside both seeds and it was just like white and brown mush in them maybe thay was duds going to try another two.
What a shame that's happened, I was actually hoping your seeds would take root, try germinating them straight into the moist soil next time and see how you get on with that, It works flawlessly every time for me, hope it works for you too, good luck.