new 2 the boards

sup everyone? i just joined this site to learn about growin my own stuff. Ive been a smoker for about 5 years now. stoner for about 6 months. Im movin into my own pad and am gonna start growin my own plant. I just need to get some more info on it. It sucks living where i do cuz its too hot 2 grow outside so ill prolly be doin it in my closet.

anyways, this site is bad and im sure ull get to kno me around here in due time.

peace :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If you think its hot outside, wait till you grow in your closet. Make sure you have a plan to keep it cool in there and...

Welcome to RIU :hump:


Active Member
I'm new to the board as well, but have tried the closet before. I failed miserably the first 2 time I attempted to grow. I learned an important lesson, don't rush anything. Be patient and it will pay off.