New at growing


Well-Known Member
It looks like she is hungry at least for Nitrogen but more information is needed like Strain - Pot Size - Soil Type - Nutrients (If you use any) - PH of Water (If you use PH Meter) - Average Temperature and Relative Humidity - etc.


Well-Known Member
Yeh if you could give us some more info like what the above person asked, then it’ll help us to help you. Otherwise we just looking at a picture and taking a wild guess


Well-Known Member
You’ll have to mimic summer into fall, so it flowers. If it’s outside this will happen naturally. Looks like it needs some tlc. That pot looks way too small, so the roots won’t be able to grow properly.

Do you have any basic knowledge of growing weed? For example, the requirements and nutrients it needs? If not, I’d recommend reading up on it as a successful grow only happens when you put the time and care into it.


Active Member
Ok so do I need to put it in a bigger pot and can I use mirco grow all purpose for nutrition or I will to learn how to grow


Well-Known Member
Gotcha and hey it did grow! The dirt unless it was from like a compost heap most likely had very few nutrients, enough to get her started but not to really develop and definitely not enough to flower. Take a look at getting some nutrients, she just needs food.


Well-Known Member
Ok where do I go to get the food she needs also I did put orange peels before
Are you able to order online? Amazon is a good start, and you can find cheap nutrients there. As for the soil, I’d get a bigger pot; add more soil and repot the plant.. it’s easy to do. Then give it food.


Well-Known Member
Ok where do I go to get the food she needs also I did put orange peels before
Not sure where you are located but Amazon or even Ebay have wide varieties of nutrients. Fox Farm Trio is a pretty good entry level nutrient line as is the General Hydroponics Flora line.


Well-Known Member
I agree with above posts. It needs NP and K. It’s short on all 3 and micro nutrients as well. It looks good for no real nutrients. But if you want it to grow good bud its going to need nutrients.

Depending on where you live there are hydro stores that stock this stuff to pick up today!!