new clones (first week lighting schedule)


Active Member
Ima first tyma and I have five new purp.kush clones (rockwool cubes) in my hydro machine. my boy told me leave me lights on and my water pump going continous for 4 to 5 days and then switch to flower mode 12/12......z that correct or will I drown my lil ones?


Well-Known Member
LOL. sorry had to laugh. If you are planning on switching it to flower 12/12 after 5 days of growing. They may die or produce a very small bowl. Keep them in veg 18/6 or even 24hr light while in vegetative state. Then switch to flower when your height is right. Would not suggest switching straight from 24hr light to flower cycle. Gradually bring it down to 18/6 then to 12/12 Keep in mind that they will get a little bigger depending on strain and your set up. What is your set up by the way? Look in the GROW FAQ this will help you a lot. You do not need to ask all these questions and they could be all answered by reading the FAQ. Save your time and everybody's as well.... READ the grow faq. If you do not understand then ask questions, and maybe you won't look so silly and have nobody but me respond.

Goodluck LeMskunK


Active Member
ok thanx...pride z alil I am askin I guess some stuipid questions...just finished reading the faqs. almost still learning how to determine when its the right tym to switch from the veg. cycle to the flower cycle. anyway thenx for your help


Well-Known Member
start flowering around 1 foot to 2 feet just keep in mind that the plant will double possible even triple in size so make sure you got adequate space!!! good luck on the grow bro:):):):):):):)


Active Member
thanx.......I got the cycles and numbers down now...but I am on a hydro drip system and I was pullin out the sticks from the hose while the pump was on and now a big stream of water comes out of that hose no matter what I do to it...I have shut off the pump, changed hoses and now I have three hoses doing the same thing...big steams of water coming out...even when I attach my drip a rookie....any help would be appreciated.